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2 Huge Keto Mistakes

When you reduce your carb intake,  your body must turn to fat for energy.   That fat can come from your diet or from fat  stored in your body. This enhanced interest in   burning fat for fuel is why low carb and keto  diets work so well for weight loss. However,   there are two huge mistakes that can block  this outcome. I share them in this video.   [Intro Music] Through YouTube and my programs,   I work with a lot of people who are just  getting started on their low carb lifestyle.   There is no denying that many of the fun  foods in the world are high in carbs.

So,   it is natural to search for low carb  snack and dessert alternatives.   There is nothing wrong with this way of  thinking as long as we stay in the low carb,   high fat arena. However, that requires a  new way of looking at snacks and desserts.   For instance, while an experienced keto dieter  can look at a slice of Swiss cheese as a dessert,   a person just getting started with this  lifestyle might think that sounds boring   and unappealing. That mindset leads to the  first huge keto mistake, which is looking for   cheats. In other words, how can I have my usual  snacks and desserts without the consequences?   As the popularity of keto diets continues to grow,  so does the availability of snacks and desserts   that use flour and sugar substitutes to reduce  their net carb count. These altered foods can   fill voids when celebrating special occasions, but  relying on them daily will prevent your progress   because they are high in calories and sweet  enough to make you want to keep eating them.   You will be much happier with your results  if you adopt the mindset that keto is a new   way of eating.

When you do that, you open up to  new ways of satisfying your hunger rather than   searching for ways to cheat your way thin. The great thing is that your brain chemistry and   taste buds change when they are not bombarded with  sweetened and refined foods. When this happens,   you will be pleasantly surprised at the new foods  that you now enjoy. Also, because dietary fats and   proteins are much more hunger-satisfying than  refined and sweetened foods, you will naturally   move away from the snacks and treats that  lead to overeating and the storage of fat.   Storing fat is a function that your body wants  to do because it works toward preserving your   survival. This was a great thing back in  the days when food was hard to come by.   It is not such a great thing in our modern  world where food is so readily available.   When we find ourselves with more stored energy  than we need, we must work against this natural   survival instinct to lose fat. This reversal  process takes time and consistent effort.   The good news is that because low carb and  keto diets are so effective for fat loss,   you can see amazing results in just a few months.  The bad news is that during those months, you will   encounter holiday dinners, birthday parties,  challenging people, and stress that kicks up your   cravings for comfort foods.

This brings  me to the second huge mistake, which is   stopping before you reach your goal. The unfortunate reality is that life will not   slow down so you can reach your weight loss goal.  In fact, when you commit to a low carb lifestyle,   it can feel like life conspires against you. Back  in March of 2020, our world got turned upside   down. Restaurants were closing, and travel was  uncertain. As fate would have it, my husband and   I were traveling at the time to visit the great  state of Nebraska, where my mother-in-law lives.   We went out for breakfast and were told by  our waitress that the restaurant would be   closing later that day and had too many baked  goods to sell.

They offered to give us whole   pies and boxes of muffins to take with us  free of charge. It was a gesture that was   equally kind and cruel at the same time,  and while we graciously declined the food,   that day was one in which it was no fun living a  low-carb lifestyle, and that is the takeaway.   Sometimes, it stinks to be keto.  High carb treats will not go away,   and because these quick-digesting foods are  addictive, it is natural to look for ways to   cheat the system with keto-friendly snacks and  desserts. But, by sticking with whole foods   and not quitting before the magic happens,  you can enjoy life at your ideal weight,   eating delicious and satisfying meals. I realize that we have been through some   rough years lately. These unprecedented, less  socially engaged days can be an opportunity. I   encourage you to take the next 40 days to commit  to your low carb lifestyle. Grab your calendar,   circle today as your day one, and then  count out 40 days and circle that date.   If you want to know why 40 days works or  you need some solid boundaries to commit to,   I have free resources for you to get today by  going to my website   Thanks for watching.

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