these foods are legitimate carbohydrate blockers I know it sounds cheeky to say that something is going to block carbohydrate absorption but up until recently we really thought that all these carbohydrate blocker Foods would do was slow down the absorption of carbohydrates but we now see in the more recent evidence that they actually inhibit the absorption and cause some stopping of absorption of carbohydrates to a certain degree if you're something out of this first of all hit the Subscribe button but also leave a comment for the algorithm it really helps out a ton helps out just YouTube serve this
Keto Diet
If Europeans Eat So Much Seed Oil, Why are They so Healthy?
all right Mike mutzel it's kind of interesting and I want to ask you like what's your take I mean if you look at Europeans they typically have lower BMI in the US they tend to have better life expectancy lower health care costs overall but they do eat quite a bit of like polyunsaturated like fats and Seed oils and things like that that we are talking about in the US as potentially being an issue like what do you think's going on there after today's video I put a link down below for Thrive Market that is a 30% off discount link plus a
TMG Grows Muscle Better than Some Steroids, Here’s How it Works
the most exciting new compound that's really being discovered in the way of like building muscle and losing fat can be Illustrated through a poultry study that's right talking about building chicken breasts on actual chickens and I know that that sounds funny and it's all fun in games until you're like okay show me the human data let me also tell you that this particular new compound it's not really new but it's new in terms of like what's unfolding in the research has some of the strongest if not these probably not the strongest but some of the strongest human data that is
These Foods Block Sugar from Absorbing (eat them with carbs)
these foods are legitimate carbohydrate blockers I know it sounds cheeky to say that something is going to block carbohydrate absorption but up until recently we really thought that all these carbohydrate blocker Foods would do was slow down the absorption of carbohydrates but we now see in the more recent evidence that they actually inhibit the absorption and cause some stopping of absorption of carbohydrates to a certain degree if you're something out of this first of all hit the Subscribe button but also leave a comment for the algorithm it really helps out a ton helps out just YouTube serve this
The Shocking Truth About Milk – here’s what it’s doing to us
milk might not be what we really think it is I mean sure it's milk it's coming from a cow but we don't look at where our milk actually comes from we don't look at what's in our milk and I'm not talking about additives I'm talking the actual structure of milk because there's a lot of people out there that don't feel particularly great when they drink milk whether it's GI whether it's brain cognitive stuff like that but a lot of times it just kind of gets roped up into lactose intolerance or anything like that reality is the proteins in milk are
How to Build Muscle and Recover 50% Faster Over Age 40 (step by step strategy)
we don't always like to admit it but recovery changes as we get older and it happens slowly right we don't realize it and then next thing you know you look back you're like why do I not recover from this workout the way that I used to so over the age of even 40 45 50 we got to start paying close attention to a number of different things namely U myop fibular protein synthesis our overall recovery sometimes our growth hormone levels and this is for men and women so let's go ahead and dive in on what people that are over 45 or
If I Wanted to Reverse Insulin Resistance, This is What I Would Do
if I woke up tomorrow morning and I was insulin resistant my hba1c was 5.9 or six these are the 13 things that I would start doing immediately that wouldn't really need any prep I would just start doing them right out the gate jumping right into it the first thing that I would do is I would only eat in a 12-hour block there is strong evidence to support that having these periods of time between meals can be highly effective when it comes down to insulin resistance it's really simple math I mean you're basically allowing your insulin levels to come down for
The Surprising (and Dark) Truth About Milk
milk might not be what we really think it is I mean sure it's milk it's coming from a cow but we don't look at where our milk actually comes from we don't look at what's in our milk and I'm not talking about additives I'm talking the actual structure of milk because there's a lot of people out there that don't feel particularly great when they drink milk whether it's GI whether it's brain cognitive stuff like that but a lot of times it just kind of gets roped up into lactose intolerance or anything like that reality is the proteins in milk are
If I Suddenly Became Insulin Resistant, This is What I Would Do to Reverse it
if I woke up tomorrow morning and I was insulin resistant my hba1c was 5.9 or six these are the 13 things that I would start doing immediately that wouldn't really need any prep I would just start doing them right out the gate jumping right into it the first thing that I would do is I would only eat in a 12-hour block there is strong evidence to support that having these periods of time between meals can be highly effective when it comes down to insulin resistance it's really simple math I mean you're basically allowing your insulin levels to come down for
How to Increase Your Metabolism to Stop Fat from Coming Back
the biggest thing that's standing in the way of your weight loss is actually something that you probably want to be doing but you're not because you think you shouldn't what you need to be doing is occasionally taking a diet break now I am not talking about cheat meals cheat meals can actually be quite detrimental the only real benefit that comes from a cheat meal is the emotional aspect and I'm all about that occasionally letting your hair down and having a cheat meal for the sake of just letting your brain relax is perfectly fine but having a cheap meal as