so we've seen studies where avocados are combined with higher carbohydrate meals and it seems to sort of attenuate the blood glucose response like it it makes it so that the postprandial response is less like less of a blood glucose Spike and also less insulin in fact there was one study that's published in the journal nutrients that looked at just this it said all right we're going to give subjects a half of a fresh avocado along with their meal and they found 30 minutes later their glucose levels were not as spiked less insulin Spike as well and then ALS o 3
Keto Diet
Does Eating Protein Before Bed Slow Down Fat Loss
having a little bit of protein before bed like 90 minutes before bed has been demonstrated to have some decent effects when it comes down to building muscle now it's kind of controversial because is the amount of protein you have over the course of the day all that really matters well there was a study that was published in the international Journal of exercise science that took a look at people that were resistance training they were pretty experienced lifters and it looked at them over the course of 8 weeks and it found that when they had 54 g of casin protein in
The Literal Best Protein Source for Building Muscle has been Confirmed
perhaps we don't think about protein the way that we should in today's modern age like if you go back in history like when we would eat protein we would consume protein right we weren't consuming like just Choice Cuts or we weren't consuming protein powders we weren't consuming these things in isolation it was just protein whether it was like collagen protein regular protein this protein it was just protein and it was all Collective right now I've been talking about ground beef being like an ideal source of protein for a long time okay and there's no real surprise as to why
What Is the KETO DIET? — Everything You Need To Know About a Keto Diet for Beginners | Doctor ER - Is keto the best diet on the market or is it dangerous for your health? I'll explain. (upbeat bright music) You see your friends or your colleagues eating gobs of peanut butter by the spoonful and mountains of bacon while shedding pounds, bragging, "It's the keto diet, bro." But what exactly is a ketogenic diet? Is it true that it can treat epilepsy? And what foods can I actually eat with this type of meal plan? Are there any side effects you should be concerned about? Not to worry, today, I'm breaking down and answering all of your keto diet need to know questions.But before we get into it, hey everyone, I'm Dr. Jordan Wagner.
First Week Back On Keto – Thoughts and Results Good morning! Hello and welcome back to my channel. I am filming this live on a Saturday morning here in Melbourne so just excuse background noise, children watching TV, cat's going a bit crazy, so I just thought I'd film my thoughts on my first week back on keto, how I've gone, the results and all of that. So yeah it's been a week back, I took six weeks off keto, it's been my first week back on and it's been awesome I love the keto way of life, I think enjoyed so many benefits getting straight back into it, I went back into ketosis after about a day and a half, thanks
Type I Diabetic Child’s Amazing Success Story i want to just get your story it's just incredible i read it i literally cried so um i just wanted to uh get it straight from you incredible story about lilliana so um can you tell me just a little bit in your own words what what happened initially i know uh you told you know you wrote everything out but maybe you could summarize it sure um so liliana was seven months old when we both moved my husband and i moved to asia to become language students and we were very happy there things were going well liliana had been having a lot of you know crying as a young infant right after her inoculations and so
Why Keto No Longer Works
this is what a keto diet did for my husband back in 2017 in less than 9 months he lost 81 pounds keto worked in fact his story was one that was echoed by many back then rapid weight loss with inflammatory markers and hba1c measurements dropping from dangerously High to Ideal in a matter of months keto success stories are still there but less common nowadays did keto suddenly stop working did our bodies catch on and say wait a minute you can't do that anymore in this video we'll examine what happened to keto and how you can cut through the distractions to
Easy Airfryer Nachos 🥰 (Low Carb + Keto Friendly!)
I've lost over 100 pounds eating low carb and this is how I make loaded nachos so instead of chips I'm using raw broccoli and now I'm going to spray with a little avocado oil this is the one from chosen Foods a little salt and pepper so I'm just going to give this a nice little toss and now I'm going to air fry for 10 minutes at 400° our broccoli is nice and roasted this is what you're looking for and now to make this a full meal I'm adding some shredded rotis chicken but you can use your protein of choice and now some Mexican blend cheese and now back in the air fryer to get nice and melt for my toppings I
Dr. Berg’s Guide to Healthy Keto® Eating: Step 2 – What to Eat
alright guys you just watched my basic plan the overview this is video 2 we're going to dig into some more of the details this is mainly for people that are new to my channel again I have 2500 videos and if you can get lost in all the details this is the second video that you should watch and we're combining a healthy keto within a minute fasting okay alright number one you want to go as long as you can in the morning without eating you just don't want to eat unless you're hungry that's the the thing that you need to focus on because so many people eat when they're not hungry and they're wondering why it's not working they're not getting results because the
What I Eat in a Day KETO and Intermittent Fasting + ANNOUNCEMENT!
hey munchies welcome if you're new I'm Alyssia and today I have got a what I eat in a day Hido addition for you so when I'm eating low carb or when I'm eating a whole thirty or really any healthier home cooking in general cooking it needs to be efficient when I use Whole Foods I cook a lot more and I don't have time to spend all day cooking so I really have to figure out how to spend between 10 and 30 minutes getting my meals ready depending on my day so today I'm hoping to give you some inspiration for quick