this might be what pushes you over the edge to never drink alcohol again I mean there's a lot of little things that kind of add up you know for example like acetal dhide which is essentially what ethanol is broken down into the body has to dispose of as quickly as possible because it's just that harmful for the body so everything else takes a back seat I mean that's a problem right we also have the accumulation of visceral fat and how it inhibits fat loss essentially especially in the visceral area but now there's this whole histamine thing now what do I mean by histamine this doesn't sound that bad the best way to describe histamines is your allergies right like when you breathe in a pollen and you get a bunch of allergies it doesn't just affect your face and you're sneezing like it makes you feel lethargic it makes you feel inflamed it can hurt your joints it can hurt your body you can feel stiff you don't feel like doing anything now imagine that happening at sort of a low grade all the time now there are people out there that have histamine intolerances and they can't even eat foods that have histamines in them without having a flare up and feeling miserable but it turns out that alcohol might be one of Not Just Foods that's high in histamine but affects this whole system very interestingly so let's go ahead and break down what happens and how you might be able to kind of navigate it a little bit after this video I put a 25% off discount link for seed daily symbiotic they've been a sponsor on this channel for about four years now they are the only only probiotic that has this unique capsule inside of a capsule technology so when it comes down to taking a probiotic most of the time it gets destroyed by the Hostile gut right so you've got hydrochloric acid that's going to break it down but in this particular case it's a Prebiotic and a probiotic where it has multi-staging so you have a Prebiotic that's delivered but then you also have a probiotic that's going to be able to potentially survive the Hostile gut so it can get to where it needs to go without killing off the really fragile bacteria so when you look at the kinds of strains that seed is using in their symbiotic these are strains that are very clinically proven and a lot of literature has been published and funded even by seed themselves they really put a lot of effort into this so that link is down below for 25% off that daily symbiotic in the top line of the description so histamines are obviously going to be a response to like an allergen right they're stored in our mask cells in our immune system in our immune cells there was a study polishing alcohol and alcoholism that demonstrated that when alcohol was consumed histamines were released from the mast cells they are what are called histamine liberators so alcohol is a huge histamine Liberator now the issue is maybe you're so intoxicated that you don't feel how cruddy you actually really feel right but the next day you feel hung over you feel this and that how much of it is a result of the actual alcohol and how much of it is a result of sort of this histamine response is happening but it's not just the fact that it's liberating histamines there's some interesting evidence showing that it blocks the breakdown of histamines as well so same study published in alcohol and alcoholism took a look at this alcohol and histamine share two enzymes okay so the breakdown of alcohol and the breakdown of histamine use two of the same enzymes in this particular case we have alahi dehydrogenase and alahh oxidase two very important enzymes for the breakdown of both alcohol acetal deide and the breakdown of histamine but once again because acetal dhide alcohol ethanol is such an important thing to break down and get out of the body immediately because it's poison that takes priority so histamine does not get acted upon by the enzymes so histamine builds and builds and builds and builds how does histamine Make You Feel Again lethargic achy gut issues Sneezy sometimes mu mucosal secretions all these things right so essentially alcohol is doing two things it's liberating more histamines in the first place but then secondly it's inhibiting Dao the enzyme that actually breaks them down in the first place as well as these other enzymes that would break histamine down so you're left with huge amounts of histamine and it just can just pile on top of each other but it doesn't stop there okay because alcohol does another thing we know that alcohol alcohol is not good for our gut barrier it's not good for our gut at all well there's two things that happen one histamine is actually released from the mass cells to offset the damage the gastrointestinal damage induced by alcohol so now we have three ways in which histamines are elevating when we consume alcohol but hey by the way just so you know only 1% of people have a histamine intolerance however 35 to 50% of people with bad gut health have histamine intolerances showing that so much of histamine issues start in our gut so alcohol increases histamine decreases our ability to break it down and damages our gut so not only do we have a short-term impact from histamines but now thank you alcohol you are now giving us a higher risk of having a long-term impact as far as histamines are concerned as well now I will say this video may not convince you to stop drinking alcohol entire and I understand that but you may want to consider reducing how often you drink and you definitely may want to consider kind of how you go about drinking because this is one of those things where yeah the occasional drink might still be bad but it's not going to be causing this buildup of histamine issues as if you were drinking maybe three or four times per week the other thing that we have to look at is the big picture of alcohol and mortality I did a video on this where we used to think that a small amount of alcohol could actually benefit longevity now the literature suggests that quote unquote any amount of alcohol is negative when it comes down to longevity so any amount of alcohol has either no positive benefit but more than likely has a negative benefit so we don't have any reason to drink there's no Health reason whatsoever to drink people can make the argument that oh I'd be more relaxed when I drink so therefore my stress levels are lower olic your stress levels might be lower but what's happening physiologically could be an entirely different situation and I'm not saying don't ever ever ever have a drink but are there other ways that you can relax there's a couple things that I would recommend if you haven't tried Cava Cava is great if you haven't tried a product called hot water that uses like 5htp and New Tropics I'm not sponsored by them but that's a good product to try that's something that gives you a similar effect there's also even things like reishi mushroom there's things like other kinds of adaptogenic herbs that can have a really powerful impact on making you feel relaxed making you feel I don't know even a sedative like effect without the hugely problematic effect on your gut like alcohol has so as always keep it locking here on my channel I'll see you tomorrow