OIC is powerful and one of the reasons that it's powerful is because it can circulate in the body for a long period of time meaning that it can have an impact and satiate you and modulate glucose for extended periods of time now there's also foods that have an impact on glp1 but they're not going to be as powerful as say you know OIC a true glp1 receptor Agonist but one of the reasons that Foods cannot influence gp1 the same way that like OIC could is because the Foods when they instigate glp1 that glp1 gets broken down very fast but there are some foods mainly like a couple nuts and seeds and some other interesting foods that have an influence on how long glp1 remains active so let's just pretend for a second that glp1 is just like a flash in the pan like you get a real quick hit of satiety a real quick hit of you know fat loss and then that's it okay if you were to utilize OIC it's obviously lasting a little bit longer in the human body there is an that's called a dpp4 okay and dpp4 its job is to quickly sort of neutralize gp1 so let's say for example you ate some Fiber and fiber increases gp1 production yeah you'd get some satiety and that satiety could last but the reality is the glp1 effect is pretty shortlived because dpp4 is going to inhibit it's going to cleave off two of the peptides off the gp1 molecules and ultimately render it useless within about 1 to two minutes so yeah you get enough satiety to maybe signal your brain brain to like stop eating but it's not carrying over for hours right so if we're looking at foods that are going to have effects like OIC well first off we're not going to find them entirely because OIC is that's that's a serious compound compared to like a food that's not going to increase it to a degree as high as that of course but we want to look for foods that actually have dpp4 inhibitory activity meaning if you can find foods that reduce or even completely abolish the DP P4 response then the fiber the protein the things that you consume that do increase glp1 are going to actually have a powerful effect for longer periods of time so there was a study that looked at a few Foods it was looking at some nuts and seeds it also was Finding uh things like orange peel have an effect on dpp4 inhibition you've got grape seeds it's kind of interesting things U malinin that's in Citrus you're going to find the effect curcumin has a 24-hour effect on inhibiting dpp4 also you're going to find it in eggs and other proteins so it's kind of nice that you get it in these full foods but the food I really want to focus on the most that we're seeing interesting evidence with is satcha inchi I've talked about SAA inchi seeds before they taste like a nut but technically they're a seed I want to break down some of the science behind it there's a study that was published in the journal food science and agriculture it looked at sachcha inii protein hydrolysis okay so these are this is actually looking at the SAA inii protein we've seen studies looking at the oil looking at the fiber this is interesting it looked at the actual protein because SAA inii happens to be the highest protein seed that you're going to find that is really known so it's very high protein so in this study they looked at the protein specifically and they found 10 peptides in this simple protein that inhibited dpp4 so they're like okay well this is interesting so then they investigated a few of them even deeper they found that one of the peptides known as gf6 actually increased significantly glucose uptake into insulin resistant liver cells what does that mean when we become insulin resistant or the liver particularly is insulin resistant the cells will no longer take up glucose that's a huge problem that throws everything C of cattywampus so this particular peptide also increase the ability for these even insulin resistant liver cells to suck up glucose it's huge very very important there but the main piece here is the dpp4 inhibition so it had an ability which again Sacha inii has zero net carbs because every single carbohydrate is a fiber so zero net carbs so means all the fiber that is in SAA inii is going to have a more profound glp1 effect because dpp4 is also inhibited so the glp1 that is produced is theoretically going to last longer thereby giving a more stronger effect on satiety so when we look at SAA inii in general we see okay there's already a pretty decent effect on glp1 that we can take away from the high protein content from the fiber content probably also from the alphal linic acid we'll talk about in a minute but then we have the dpp4 inhibition I'm going to talk a little bit more about how Sacha inii has an impact on insulin resistance as well because this is really fascinating but quickly before I get into the insulin resistance side there is a study looking at like fat oxidation in general so study in Journal of functional foods was looking at SAA iny oil specifically found that SAA inchi oil had a pretty big impact on fatty acid oxidation so it actually increased the amount of fat that could be oxidized it does this because it increases what is called adiponectin adipine is a hormone that is associated with our atopus tissue in a good way because it increases fatty acid oxidation but does that by increasing what's called amk so in simple terms it kind of puts the body into a tilted towards a deficit so it's more likely to oxidize fats the other thing that we have to look at is because SAA inii has such an insanely high amount of alphal linolic acid an omega-3 it has an ability to inhibit what's called fatty acid synthes so it can slow down the form of newer fat which is pretty interesting just from body composition standpoint when you're looking at most nuts and seeds they're usually very much so skewed towards an omega-6 content which is not the end of the world but when you look at alphal linolic Acid most nuts and seeds have a very small amount of it whereas SAA inii has a quite significant amount of it so let's pivot over to the insulin resistance talk for just a second I also put a link down below for pretty much the only legit SAA inii company that's out there a company called brassroots that code that's down below Thomas 20 at Brass Roots foods.com gets you 20% off whatever you want to get from them so they've got all kinds of different new and improved flavors they've got like a cinnamon crunch they've got a sweet heat they've got a traditional they've got a ranch these are really dang good K SAA inii usually has a I'm just going to put it nicely an earthy taste but brass Roots has nailed the flavor profile without adding a bunch of garbage to it so you'll find like zero grams net carbs in some of the flavors to the point where like you eat these things and you are super satiated I will go on record and say they are the most satiating food I have ever eaten and I eat a lot of protein and protein is satiating but SAA inii between the fat content that's in it the zero net carbs because of all the fiber but also the ridiculously high protein content not to mention the dpp4 inhibition we're talking about it is just like a Magic Bullet for satiety for me so anyhow that link is down below Thomas 20 brassroots foods.com check them out I want to Pivot for a second to like OIC glp1 receptor Agnus affect on the brain for just a second so people realize that like I am not against things like OIC I feel like there are people out there that need them I don't feel like everybody needs them I feel like it's abused for sure I feel like it's definitely out there too much but I'm not opposed to this stuff it doesn't work just by modulating glucose it works by impacting the brain too so there's a study published in diabetes that took a look at 48 type 2 diabetics and also obese people and what they found is that when they gave them a gp1 receptor Agonist when they showed them pictures of food the regions of their brain that would normally light up without gop1 didn't light up so essentially they were activating different or they were not activating regions of their brain that were associated with like seeing food so you could show them hypothetically a picture of a Delicious Pie and they just wouldn't have the same effect in the brain so gop1 has more than just a physiological like physical body effect it has an effect neurologically and on the brain and we've seen this with fmri scans as well so again this comes down to how long it can be cir cating right so if a food is satiating it's probably because you're getting this like prolonged effect in digestion gp1 all this stuff so we have to pay attention to that but I also want to Pivot over to the insulin resistance piece because this all ties together there was a study published in the journal traditional and complimentary medicine now this is a rodent model study but it was done with SAA inii oil and it was pretty interesting they used extra virgin Sacha iny oil or an anti-diabetic medication in these rats where they induced type 2 diabetes so they made these rats diabetic what they found is that the Sacha inii oil reduced glucose reduced the response to Sugar it also improved pancreatic beta cell function and restored insulin levels pretty interesting because these parallel what gp1 receptor Agonist will typically do now gp1 receptor Agonist is going to do it to a higher degree for sure it's something like OIC it's serious compared to something like Sacha inii oil is having an impact on insulin resistance but you're doing it with a food that's pretty phenomenal they also found that it reduced the atrophy in pancreatic eyet cells so it restored function in pancreatic beta cells produce insulin but it fixed the atrophy in the pancreatic eyelet cells which is like sort of the first step of the equation pretty darn fascinating but then we get into a study that was published in the journal preventative nutrition and food sciences and this was interesting because it found that once again SAA inii oil in this case had an effect on the expression of genes associated with insulin and insulin resistance they found that SAA in oil improved hypoglycemia and insulin resistance and actually decreased inflammatory markers that were associated with insulin resistance so in this case if someone or in any kind of situation you're modulating insulin resistance you're going to have also a subsequent decrease in the inflammatory response so it's all kind of encompassed but the big thing here is that SAA inii oil increased insulin receptor substrate one expression this insulin receptor substrate one is a gene that needs to be expressed in order to have healthy sort of metabolic function especially with insulin so it actually was changing DNA it was changing the expression of genes to change from like a root level so that the body would be better at utilizing glucose and restoring some of the metabolic issues one thing that I talk about a lot is we have to remember that the poor response to glucose is sort of a or to sugar or to carbohydrates is a side effect of insulin resistance insulin resistance is more a path ological condition that's happening not necessarily because carbs caused it but because there is a bigger metabolic health issue going on that is sometimes frequently caused by excess carbohydrates but also other things too it's just overabundance in general like it is an issue with too much fuel and not enough expenditure plain and simple it just doesn't necessarily manifest in obesity it manifests in metabolic dysfunction and insulin resistance and disregulation so what this means is that when we're able to start kind of changing things at a root level we Downstream start seeing a better response to glucose so yes we want to control the kinds of foods that we're consuming and we want to modulate our glucose response but more importantly we want to fix the root issue so that we can consume glucose in carbs without having the problem and one of the ways that we do this is by consuming high fiber foods high protein foods obviously exercising obviously extended periods of time without food but also adding things like these Foods in like curcumin the dp4 inhibitions the orange peel the grape seeds they sound weird but also eating things like satcha iny seeds that can control the appetite and have this powerful effect so as always keep it locked in here on my channel I'll see you tomorrow