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The Strongest Neurotransmitters to Build Muscle, Lose Fat, and Sleep Like a Rock

neurotransmitters are probably the most powerful thing when it comes down to influencing how we feel at a certain time to give you a good example of how a neurotransmitter can make you feel if serotonin is high you're going to feel good right you're going to be able to rest and relax if epinephrine is high that's what it feels like when you have coffee right like ah okay I'm anxious but I'm ready to go right neurotransmitters are powerful but it's not like we just take in a neurotransmitter they are built by things and they're are are foods that you can eat that will influence certain neurotransmitters so today I have five neurotransmitters that can be heavily influenced by our food intake so you can use this to kind of help manipulate a little bit of how you feel sense of calm sense of well-being motivation it's pretty neat when you actually look at how these neurotransmitters are built so let's get into the very first one I want to talk about Gaba gamma aminobutyric acid it is my favorite neurotransmitter because of someone that's always been a little little bit High Strung I've always appreciated Gaba because it makes me feel kind of calm right and I've learned how to influence Gaba over the years Gaba is what is called an inhibitory neurotransmitter it is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitters which means it blocks the excitatory transmission in its receptors a Gaba receptor both an alpha and a beta Gaba receptor are going to receive a signal and it's going to block the nerve's ability to transmit a signal so it is literally inhibitory if you had too much Gaba obviously you wouldn't even be able to function right but Gaba is going to sort of slow down some of the excitatory responses so very big for someone like me like usually what people would do is they drink alcohol increases Gaba right but you can also create sort of a Gaba uh issue there as well obviously alcohol isn't a way to turn for this so let's talk about some foods here the first one is green tea and it's mainly because of the theine that is in green tea what's interesting is that theanine can cross through the bloodb brain barrier and then it can influence Gaba directly within the brain now what this does is it creates more of an environment that has Alpha Waves so you're in a more relaxed State while not actually being tired so that's why green tea is interesting because you get this upper effect from a little bit of caffeine but the theine seems to counterbalance that by bringing up the levels of Gaba in the brain so your brain is a little bit calmer even though your body might be able to move a little bit better with the caffeine secondly is one that people wouldn't think and that's fermented foods fermented foods play a huge role in Gaba production within the gut now more research needs to be done on if Gaba production in the gut is going to influence Gaba in the brain as much but we do know that it all kind of starts in a gut with glutamine right so glutamine is the building block of glutamate and then glutamate gets broken down and converted into Gaba so a long story basically saying that fermented foods like fermented meat maybe some Kim cheese some sauerkraut this can have an influence on Gaba production in the gut specifically what it does is it increases the amount of Gaba receptors in the gut and it does this through the microbiome which again more research needs to be done but it's really promising looking stuff and the next thing is magnesium now I say simply magnesium because you could get it from almonds you could get it from various kinds of food but magnesium in general is really important for Gaba the reason is is it increases what's called glutamate decarboxylase which is what converts remember that glutamate I talked about converts glutamate into Gaba without magnesium glutamate would stay as glutamate which is extremely excitatory so you would have the opposite effect so simply adding magnesium in allows you to take some of that glutamate and turn it into Gaba it's really fascinating stuff now you can take Gaba directly as a supplement the problem is is it seems as though it does not cross the blood brain barrier properly the only potential time in which it might cross the bloodb brain barrier is if you have what's called a leaky brain which we're not going to go into detail there there is a unique company named tros scriptions I've had Dr Scott Sher on this channel before where they actually can take Gaba and bind it to B3 so in this particular case it's called nicotin Gaba so so it's basically a nasin or B3 bound to a Gaba which allows it to get into the brain that way which is really interesting so then you have some broken down components of Cava not the direct caval lactones that we're looking at we're looking at the other components of cabba that are not going to have the downgrading or the sort of down regulation effect of Gaba Downstream because you could build a tolerance there so you're getting a really calm feeling now I put a link down below for a special discount through tros criptions so that link is in the top line of the description down below again you've seen Dr Scott Sher on my channel very reputable organization with very legit science behind them and a huge medical Advisory board that has some big names on it and it's delivered in a troy form so you put it up in your gum like up in the bookal space up there and this way it can bypass sort of the degradation that would happen in the gut and it hits you really really fast when I get home in the evening and I'm kind of wired up and I need to come down it is extremely effective so when I take that before bed it kind of dissolves that for me so that link is down below check them out my next favorite neurotransmitter that we can actually influence a lot is acetal choline and it's probably one of the most important neurotransmitters for just daily function acetal choline sits at the end of a nerve cell and what happens is when you have an action potential that signals down a you know a nerve a neuron then it hits the synaptic Clift where acetylcholine sits and aceto choline's job is to kind of jump across the Clift to the next neuron so it's taking that action potential and actually potentiating it turning it into something so without it you wouldn't be able to function you wouldn't be able to move right well there's two components to acetylcholine right the biggest component is choline itself so the number one food that you could eat to influence aetl choline is going to be eggs okay eggs are super rich in Chine so you're contributing to that choline pool you're deficient in choline you're going to notice it in your performance and your mental function and since we have so many neurons in our brain you'll definitely feel it there next up is fish because of the omega-3 aspect you could also take an omega-3 supplement but this is interesting because it has nothing to do with the actual acetylcholine itself for one it can increase the activity of the acetylcholine but more importantly it increases the membrane fluidity which means that a signal is able to be sent easier and get into that neuron easier so it makes it more malleable and it makes it so that the acetylcholine can do its job better not to mention reduces neuroinflammation which can help acetylcholine do its job clearer and easier it's not hitting a traffic jam then thirdly is an odd one cruciferous vegetables for two reasons one they have choline okay so that contributes to the choline pool but also sulfurane now sulfurane is not only going to activate the Nrf2 pathway which is going to decrease oxidative stress and increase antioxidants which allow acetylcholine to do their job better it potentially inhibits what is called histone de atilas so you have this thing that's basically blocking epigenetic changes when you inhibit histone de atilas what happens is now you can have epigenetic changes that allow you to use a or acetylcholine better so long story short is it's influencing temporary and permanent genetic changes that allow you to be more efficient at using that neurotransmitter all by eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli cauliflower cabbage things like that then probably the most common neurotransmitter that people know of Serotonin the Feelgood neurotransmitter we all like serotonin okay when you look at even ssris the whole idea is to slow down the reuptake so that serotonin stays high for longer periods of time and we feel good but it's also a hormone in the body that helps your body feel calm right so first and foremost one that you've heard of before is turkey because of the tryptophan tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin so plain and simple you want large concentrations of tryptophan eat good quality lean protein like turkey okay that will help you it does in fluence serotonin for sure next up is bananas and I say this because bananas out of all the fruits are pretty high in tryptophan but when you combine tryptophan with the carbohydrates the insulin Spike allows the tryptophan to go into the brain easier and it stops sort of some of the competition with the large neutral amino acids so it allows basically the tryptophan to come in and the Brain can take it up and then it can convert it into serotonin easier and then lastly for the same reason that we talked about with aetl choline Omega-3s so walnuts fish things like that for the same exact reasons helps the signaling to be better okay let's talk about another one that Andrew huberman has really made famous and that's dopamine that's our reward neurotransmitter so when we've achieve something as simple as touching a door knob and it's what we set out to do we feel it and we get a surge of dopamine scrolling our phone eating food same kind of thing so how do we influence dopamine it could actually help us with our motivation so we don't deplete it as much well for one avocados avocados are super high in tyrosine okay tyrosine is amino acid that is required for lopa production ction okay and lopa is a precursor to dopamine so essentially tyrosine turns into lopa from something called tyrosine hydroxylase an enzyme okay once it becomes lopa then it can become actual dopamine okay so you want to provide yourself with tyrosine and tyrosine hydroxate so you can convert this into the actual usable neurotransmitter same kind of thing with dark chocolate dark chocolate has epicat in it and epican can convert directly into dopamine but at the same time that it converts into dopamine it's itself it also drives down reactive oxygen species it protects from oxidative stress at the same time so epic cakin from dark chocolate and the flavonoids and the antioxidants in dark chocolate really powerful for dopamine but then in addition to that you're also increasing blood flow and you're also increasing Fino ethylamine which is really really good for dopamine production too so dark chocolate you feel it quick you feel that dopamine hit that's why it's addictive but it's also a great way to just kind of get that fix without doing something more detrimental then we talk about beets this is interesting a the nitric oxide more blood flow to the brain definitely a good thing we're talking mainly about betane or trimethyl glycine fascinating stuff here because betane acts as sort of a methyl donor so there's this thing called methylation where you donate a methyl group to another molecule so essentially What's Happening Here is this methyl group this betane is breaking down homocysteine which is not good into methionine and then methionine goes through another process to make S adinos methionine also known as Sam e if you've ever taken the supplement Sam e to help you feel better and increase your mood that is exactly why it can improve all these kind of feelings and make you feel like a little bit more alive so beats have that powerful effect on just helping you feel more motivated the last neurotransmitter I want to talk about is one that's no surprise to people and that is good old epinephrine and norepinephrine a couple quick ways to boost that caffeine epinephrine is a fat burning neurotransmitter it is a go- getting amp you up neurotransmitter okay caffine is going to influence that by blocking the acts of adenosine and therefore contributing to this effect of well norepinephrine but what people also don't realize is that lean meats like turkey like chicken these are going to contain tyrosine which yes converts into L Doopa like we talked about but this is also critical for epinephrine production essentially there's this thing called dop dopamine beta hydroxylase which is an enzyme that converts lopa also into epinephrine and you need tyrosine for that to occur tyrosine to elopa elopa ultimately to epinephrine or norepinephrine so the lower you are in your lean meats the lower you are in your tyrosine the less potential well I guess in a way you could say fat burning or at least epinephrine or epinephrine you're going to have so as always keep it locked in here in my channel and remember influencing your neurotransmitter starts with a lot more than just I don't know mindset and willing it into existence I'll see you tomorrow

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