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The Single Best Exercise for Fat Loss (Burns 12 Calories PER MINUTE of Fat)

the Journal of strength and conditioning research published something really cool for a really long time we've been looking at various exercises and trying to determine which one burns the most calories burns the most fat as a percentage and we're always left with kind of The Usual Suspects like running cycling rowing really are just great for the combination of fat oxidation and total calories burned because it's a combination of the two for example like walk if you were to walk at a snail Pace like you'd be using fat predominantly as a fuel but you'd have to walk for 3 Days To Burn the same amount as if you were to be like sprinting for an hour or something like that as far as calories right even though sprinting burns more carbs than fat right so there's a difference between the percentage of fuel that you utilize and the overall total fuel that you utilize so this cool study used some interesting technology that I'm not going to go into detail on right now but I'll link the study you can check it out and they we're looking at how you should sort of sequence resistance training and aerobic training to burn the most fat before I get into the details of the study I put a link down below for Thrive Market that is a 30% off discount link and hear me out on this there's been a lot of talk about how like European food quality is so much better than the US Food quality like we've been seeing it happen we've seen it with this whole kogs thing and all this stuff Thrive Market has the foods that have the good quality ingredients it's like I'm at a European Grocery Store yeah Europe has a lot better options but in terms of I don't have to like look at the label and make sure there's not all the stuff that I want to avoid that's what I trust about them is the ingredient quality not to mention that's a 30% off discount link so that link 30% off plus a free $60 gift with any purchase so you're getting 30% off your entire grocery order so you can go in there you can search by diet type you could search Mediterranean you could whatever but you can always rest assured that they're not using preservatives they're not using the garbage they focus on the quality and even still it's a lot cheaper than if you're going to like Whole Foods so that link is down below check them out after this video so the main thing they looked at was a group that did various forms of aerobic work a group that did various forms of anaob work a group that did various forms of like resistance training and then resistance training along with aerobic training and I'm not talking about in like a crossfit sense I'll give some Clarity here because like I like CrossFit but that's not what we're talking about here what they found by and large is that when we look at the data running on a treadmill is known as sort of the gold standard for fat loss I mean maybe running outside is better but in a in a lab setting okay approximately 9 and a half calories per minute burned with a fair percentage coming from fat when you combined aerobic work with resistance training it turned into 12 12 calories per minute which sounds like only three calories but times 60 minutes do the math there we're talking a Monumental increase in amount of calories burned and at a relatively low intensity so what we're always trying to do is like how do we increase calories burned within our fat oxidation sort of percentage range like you can only go zone two to zone three for such a high intensity before you're at Zone 4 it seems as though by doing some resistance training and then aerobic work and sort of integrating the two you can burn more calories and stay within a fat burning mode and also be somewhat glycolytic at least as far as calories are concerned it's a way to burn more than just straight running and we're not talking CrossFit metcon style stuff let me give you an example of what CrossFit metcon are like and I like them they're fun they're great for building V2 Max and great for crushing your central nervous system thousand row oh this better example 20 calories on a rower as fast as you can or an assault bike like an Echo Bike we'll show some footage right now of me blasting it on an Echo Bike right you're going all the way you're trying to basically hit 20 calories in as little time as you can fullon Sprint then you might jump into some deadlifts or you might jump into some push press with a barbell like you know push military press type thing then you you might go into some wall balls or some handstand push-ups you're going into high intensity stuff you're not going aerobic what this is suggesting is that by maybe doing a slow jog on a treadmill hopping off doing some moderate rep range 15 to 18 repetition range stuff where you're tired and you're fatiguing the muscle but you're not like blasting yourself in a crazy Anor robic sense and then you go and you recover at zone two so you're almost keeping yourself doing resistance training cardio in between your sets you're doing zone two you know it's kind of funny because when you think about it you're like or maybe zone three depends on how much you're jogging right it's funny because this is so obvious it's so simple and obvious but I think traditional gym culture makes it almost impossible or makes it seem weird like you can't go abandon your machine after doing your shoulder presses to go run on the treadmill until you're recovered because you'll a lose your machine but you'll also be obnoxious running around the gym this is one of those things that might require you being at home and having your own stuff or a Qui enough gym where you can do it it's interesting because it reinforces what Chris Henshaw will show some footage of that interview I did with him back at my garage gym Zone 2 it is really important to know what your Zone 2 is because this would be considered easy Pace right your aerobic Pace this is your where your recovery comes from this is where your ability to endure comes from this is where um your ability to clear fatigue comes from your ability to recover comes from most most people don't know how to define low intensity and so most people like you even said when we were talking right you're if I had you go run without a heart rate monitor you would eventually settle into a pace and then if I checked heart rate you'd be at 15060 yeah yeah because this is where we just naturally gravitate to and people don't realize that easy is significantly less than that so it's a way for a coach to just go no no no no here here's the numbers here's the research here is what is considered easy it makes it so there's no argument makes it so that there's Buy in but what I tell people is is that if you always just do that heart rate and you only look at that heart rate eventually the body's going to create adaptation so what what's the goal and this comes into this whole subject of you know when you build Foundation what is considered foundational volume and my opinion for the everyday athletes 20 minutes what I want to see is I want to see you be able to do a Zone 2 workout for 20 minutes without stopping well a lot of people say well why would you stop because what we have to be careful of in that zone two is what are our muscles doing as we're progressing through that 20 minutes so think for example you so let's just say you're 40 years old right so you can put your Zone to at a heart rate of 140 right following MAF atones and what we're going to do is do plus or minus 5 so your heart rate would be between 135 and 145 would be your range so what I want you to do is 20 minutes at that range now you're going to take off and you're going to start running and you're going to be at that range but you're also going to look at your speed and let's just say the speed starting out is like an 8 minute mile speed you're going to be continuing on and you're going to be looking at just heart rate right now as you get tired your muscles get fatigued what is going to happen to that 8 minute mile speed as you get closer to the 20 minutes what's going to happen is your heart rate will still be within range but because you're fatigued you have to slow down so you started at 8 minute pace but then what you end at 10-minute Pace right or you or you end up going same pace and heart rate skyrocketing which youve ruined it both ways right so now if you're started at 8 and you ended up at a 10 but your heart rate stayed the same you just taught your muscles to what they went fast in the beginning and you ended teaching them to go slow and what we're trying to teach them to do is what we're trying to teach them to endure at a specific speed so it's the same thing like you said people outsmart themselves and what we're going to do is just focus on 8 minute pace and then they end up with a high heart rate well the reason why your heart rate went up is because your slow twitch fibers didn't have capacity they didn't have the ability to endure and you needed your fast twitch fibers to come in and support the intensity level and that's why your heart rate spikes so the rule is is that if your heart rate goes up by five meaning yours hits 145 you're losing the purpose of the workout meaning you're starting to recruit fast twitch fibers and it's supposed to be a slow twitch aerobic workout so you use the heart rate to realize I'm losing the purpose of what I'm trying to adapt and what I would tell you to do is walk and I want you to walk until your heart rate hits 135 because walking is going to be slow twitch now your heart rate's recovered and you're going to go back to running again so you stay at the same speed and within the range your task is to do 20 minutes without walking now once you make it you got to do something different and this is where you would adapt to going 5 minutes longer right 25 minutes same rules or the other option is do a pace that's 15 minutes per mile faster and sticking with the same 20 minute rule so One Direction increases volume the other increases speed Chris Hinshaw was talking about it's all about raising your Bas line how can you recover at a higher Baseline right now we do resistance training and then we recover we resistance train and we recover or we do something called giant sets or super sets or compound sets where we jump to another exercise but we're saying so in anerobic when we do that like Chris Henshaw was all about how do you raise your Baseline so you can recover at a higher intensity so you still are at a high intensity enough to burn fat but you're also recovering from your resistance training it's hugely beneficial to be able to do that from a fitness perspective but especially from a fat loss perspective you have now maximized your time but you're also using different Energy Systems and all although you might be pulling from some of the performance of your resistance training by doing some cardio you're probably not doing it that much because the resistance training that you're doing shouldn't be maximal loads at this rate I am suggesting you do this as a form of cardio that has an added benefit of having resistance training to it I don't suggest you replace your traditional resistance training where proximity to failure is extremely important with this resistance training should have a high proximity or close proximity to failure you should be training as close to that failure Mark as you can regardless of your repetition range you should get there if you train like this it might prevent you from getting to that that proximity to failure that you need now if you were to do this on your cardio days imagine all the benefits that would come in you hop on the treadmill for two or three minutes the slow Jog and then you go and you do some curls and then you go and you jog again for 90 seconds then you do some military press and you're never putting yourself in a precarious situation but you're putting yourself in a spot where you're oxidizing fat keeping tension on the muscle and potentially burning more fat within the muscle itself here's what's even crazier is I did a video talking about this new study that mentions spot reduction which has been talked about as being impossible forever and then Jeremy Ethier last year in 2023 like put out or 2024 put out a video about it and there's a study came out that found that what was missing with that spot reduction like can you lose fat in a specific area all the studies for years and years and years what was missing was they talked about the mobilization piece but they never actually utilize like the oxidation piece too so in order to burn fat you don't just mobilize it you have to burn it too so we know that moving the full body mobilizes fat but then you also have to do cardio to burn it too so what this study essentially found was that if they were doing like uh cardio and then they did crunches that group lost not a negligible amount significantly more fat in their abdomen specifically and they were matched for calories it was a well done study and I'm surprised more people haven't talked about it the point isn't to talk about spot reduction the point is that maybe just maybe you're simulating that same kind of thing you're doing some treadmill walking or running and then you're going and you're doing some bicep curls maybe just maybe I can't guarantee you you're going to lean out in the arms by doing so because now you're mobilizing and oxidizing so maybe you're going to use fuel in that area the worst case scenario is you lose fat overall the best case scenario is you lose fat where you want to lose it anyhow as always keep it locked in here on my channel I'll see you tomorrow

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