the lunch Le controversy the new kids product that Mr Beast KSI and Logan Paul have released designed to disrupt the kids food market or to really disrupt Lunchables who's had just a pretty big Monopoly on the sort of like ready to eat sort of lunch snack type thing for a while the controversy comes in when this new lunch Le product is called healthy and in typical Thomas Del fashion I want to look at the ingredients I want to look at these foods and I want to just see if they really are healthier one of the things that I have issues with right out the gate though is just the word healthy right if you look at how the EU operates like they have different standards there's European code 924 20006 if you want to get weird and look it up it really actually stops these claims from being made like you can't just call a food healthy or call a food natural without really being able to back it up so I wish that that was the case in the US because some of these claims just seem a little bit I don't know stretched and I don't have any issues personally with Logan Paul with Mr Beast or KSI they're not the type of people I would probably hang out with but I also want to make this a very real video I'm not just going to come at this in some inflammatory sense let's look at the facts and let's find a way to move forward and let's find a way to look at the best solution cuz I have kids I pay close attention to like what I bring into my house I do look at that stuff anyhow let's go ahead and let's break down the ingredients a little bit more so I would say first off it is marginally better than Lunchables and sometimes baby steps and a little bit of risk reduction is what we have to look at right so I'll give them that the biggest thing that they probably did is they replaced a sugary Capri Sun with a prime electrolyte drink now the prime electroly drink is definitely not the cleanest looking drink out there and it probably has people in their concerns and eyebrows just as much as Capri Sun in a different category right so I don't want to focus too much on Prime I just want to make a mention that from a caloric standpoint you're probably just reducing the calories mostly by getting rid of the Capri Sun but I want to look at a couple of things they've got a pizza version of lunch Ley and they have a turkey stackers version of lunch Ley let's start with the pizza one and I want you to stick with me through this entire video because we're going to talk about the industry in general how much money is in this industry and why might have been created and how we could possibly do things better so it a comprehensive video not just about food if you look at the pizza version and you look at the ingredients to the pizza version it's a little sketchy if you ask me I mean you're already starting with bleached wheat flour which okay whatever that's is what it is just about everything is going to be bleached wheat flour but I mean you're losing pretty much any of the nutritional value from flour it's very much so refined you're not dealing with like a whole grain okay so first steps if I was trying to to make a healthier pizza crust that was just marginally healthier I would at least use like a whole grain type of thing right I mean obviously I have my own biases on what I would probably do but in this case whole grain would be easy but if you look at where it says shortening they're using pure hydrogenated soybean oil hydrogenated soybean oil is literally a trans fat that is literally like you've taken soybean oil which is already probably oxidized and not exactly the best and then you're making it into a trans fat hydrogenating it so it doesn't make a ton of sense to me why a product that's supposed to be healthier would blatantly be using one of literally the most documented ingredients when it comes down to like visceral fat accumulation and just not good for metabolic health so right out the gate that concerns me that's just in the crust now if you look at the sauce if you look at the ingredients literally listed right on their website yeah you're going to have things like sodium benzo which is a preservative could we go back and forth on pros and cons like so yes we could so I'm not going to focus on the sodium bzo I'm going to focus on this other one that is quote unquote highly refined soybean oil couldn't even just use regular soybean oil had to go with highly refined I don't even know what that means but it doesn't sound good right soybean oil is already a very fragile polyunsaturated fat when you refine it when you deodorize it when you use these different chemicals to sort of uh as solvents it just denatures them more and and then they're going to sit on a shelf and they're going to denature and go through peroxidation where it just basically oxidizes the oil more if you wanted to use a different oil that was going to be more stable you'd use something like I don't know maybe avocado oil something but that would make it hard on margins I understand that from an economic perspective but if you're making claims on a healthier food product maybe maybe just wash away a little bit of the margin so you could at least back up that claim the pepperoni actually was kind of decent not that bad of the pepperoni like they didn't have any nitrites or nitrates added so I appreciated that that was a nice thing to see if you look at the macronutrients on this yeah 360 calories yeah I mean you're in the same ballpark as Lunchables like that's going to range around the same ballpark so we're not really like changing a ton on the calories again probably mostly coming from the fact that you're going with a prime electrolyte drink compared to say A you know Capri Sun or whatever sugary beverage might be in regular Lun bubles the saturated fat content is pretty high considering the amount of also refined carbs so what makes the standard American diet the standard American diet is the high presence of saturated fat and the high presence of refined carbohydrates saturated fats independently are probably not a huge huge issue in a balance diet just as like even refined carbs might not be that problematic but definitely not whole grain carbs like whole grain that's going to be fine much much much better like I'm not going to say it's good but it's better right so in this case you've got four 44 G from purely refined carbs and sugar and you've got a fatty acid profile that's basically diddly Squad like you've got oxidized soybean oils you've got saturated fats that have come from the cheese and possibly from the trans fats that have come from the hydrogenated soybean oil in the pizza crust so the macronutrient profile is not exactly good and the micronutrient profile I couldn't really expand upon but they're using fortified flowers which they're probably just getting some vitamins coming in from that so that one leaves a lot to be desired but I want to talk about the turkey stacker option which is in my opinion the better option so we'll break that one down now for the record I put a link down below for Thrive Market if someone is actually shopping for their house not necessarily as a competition to Lunchables or lunch Le I would recommend you try Thrive Market because it allows you to shop for things that don't have some of these preservatives and don't have some of these things that people are kind of concerned about these nefarious Usual Suspects so Thrive Market's whole Mantra is about making better options available to people and making them at an affordable price so you're not having to go to Whole Foods and pay ridiculous prices so I put a link down below for 30% off your entire grocery order from Thrive Market that way you can check them out and you get that entire discount off your whole grocery order and you get a free $60 gift but it's just kind of nice to shop and see what other options you have you know things like CET tortilla chips which are going to be using avocado oil okay things like that those are just examples so I recommend you check them out and try doing some grocery shopping through them for a little while and see so that link is down below okay let's break down the ingredients of the turkey stackers first off the turkey stackers is a much lower calorie option we're only talking six grams of saturated fat 12 grams of total fat and 22 gram of carbohydrates in this one so already going to be a better option if you're looking at sort of just the overall macronutrients and calories but let's look at what's in it the crackers are interesting I take these crackers over the pizza crust they're using holic sunflower oil which is still yes a seed oil but I'm not even going to get into the seed oil discussion it's a seed oil but at least it's using High oleic whereas oleic acid is a much better fat that you're still going to have in sunflower oil so basically what they've done is they've concentrated the OIC which is fine so I prefer this but there's still random corn syrup in these crackers like I can't imagine that finding a cracker that doesn't have corn syrup would have been that hard and I can't imagine that it would have affected the margin that much like fraction of a percent and you would have been able to make such a stronger claim some of these things just Boggle my mind as to like if you want to be able to make these claims why not be able to back them up like if you look net net if you made a better effort to have better ingredients in these Foods if you could actually back up these claims and you know say that you're making a better product then maybe you wouldn't have online backlash and it might work out better in the long run now then of course there's a chocolate bar but a chocolate bar is a chocolate bar and the turkey surprisingly wasn't all that bad so in their defense like the lunch turkey stackers one isn't all that bad so if you had to choose one of those I would choose the turkey stackers but like what could you do that's slightly even better than going with a lunch Le option I mean maybe you could just like get some salami or you could get some prudo which is just going to be like ham and salt maybe you could get some Applegate Farms turkey which is a little bit cleaner maybe you could just make something simple like buy a little bit of cheese like you could just put this all in a Ziploc bag and call it a day for probably cheaper anyway but let's talk about some statistics here this is what's kind of wild so in 2023 the food market for kids was $1 137 billion okay so it has a compounded annual growth rate of over 5% which puts it at over $250 billion by 2030 that's huge right so no wonder they were taking advantage of this and you look at the margins on a food like this and it's like in an industry where food margins are fairly slim the margin in a food like this is going to be decent especially when again you're bringing in a food that you've already had like prime or electrolyte drinks already created right so easy to source that shaves off some making the margin a little bit better you have a collaborative effort between you know three major YouTubers so that's going to make marketing expenses less so going direct to Consumer and eventually getting it to retail all these things are going to be easier but here's where the issue lands in a projected to be $250 billion industry and currently a$ 137 billion industry 60 to 70% of the foods marketed to kids are processed foods where we actually have to get a little bit more granular is that in 1991 it was estimated about 61% was going to be processed foods marketed to kids okay for kids here we are in 2024 it's actually only at 67% so it actually hasn't grown that that much what's growing the most is the ready to eat options so in 1991 2.2% flashing forward to now we're at more like 12% right so a lot more ready to eat options but not a heck of a lot more in the way of processed food options for kids because options for kids that have been Mar marketed to kids have almost always been processed food because that's what kids want that's what they're like they think they want at least like cereals and whatnot but what I want to stress upon everybody is that if you look at countries like Norway and countries like Sweden like they have banned marketing to kids all together and there is a noticeable change in what can happen with childhood obesity rates and marketing the children themselves and not just Norway and Sweden like a lot of the EU ends up Banning the marketing of children's foods to Children before certain hours so like before 900 p.m.
A lot of countries aren't even allowed to advertise children's food products let alone junk products and then as a study those publishing obesity reviews I'm just going to read the quote to you there's a significant association between the proportion of children that are overweight and the number of advertisements per hour on children's TV especially those ads that encourage the consumption of energy dense micron nutrient poor foods and if you look at European code 924-206 there are strict guidelines surrounding even making claims even calling a food healthy or calling a compound of a food natural so to be able to say like lunch Ley is healthy or a healthy version of Lunchables candidly in the EU would probably not even fly like you couldn't even make a claim like that so my issue isn't with Logan Paul it isn't with Mr Beast it isn't with KSI who candidly I've never even heard of until now it just seems like this is another game of nuance in marketing where you can get by with a lot of little things to say hey yes it's marginally better based on a sheer ma but are we contributing to the bigger problem are we also misleading are we also making people feel like just because something is lower calorie that it's better because I don't think we just have a calorie problem on our hands we have a nutrient quality problem on our hands and we have a marketing problem on our hands because if we continue to just promote these kinds of things we just contribute to the poor psychology and eating patterns and behaviors that are the root of the issue to begin with it's not just about the foods it's not just about the calories we have a bigger picture at hand I'm curious your opinion on this again No Malice towards them at all I just question whether this is really ethical and if we're doing the right thing here by marketing as such I'll see you tomorrow