to effectively and sustainably lose fat and also as a side improve longevity there's really two types of people there are the thoroughbreds and there are the mules this is an interesting way to think of things think of a mule as someone that has less of a specific way of exercising and more of just a general focus on moving more and perhaps sitting less like a mule would be right they're just working all the time they're carrying loads they're going through the mountains they're always having a job then you have say a thorough bread right where it has a little bit more of a specific exercising or a specific use case right where it's training or it's racing and then there's a lot of downtime expensive animals race horses you know y y so these two different approaches they are in essence sort of the difference between someone that exercises and then has downtime or someone that doesn't really exercise specifically but they move a lot after today's video I put a link down below for seeds daily symbiotic seed is a Prebiotic and a probiotic in one capsule if you're changing up your routine if you're changing your diet it's good to allow your microbiome to adapt as well one of the best ways that you can do that is by adding in a really good quality probiotic also eating fermented foods and things like that but seed is the only probiotic that I would recommend personally because they put their money where their mouth is with the clinical research and that is a 25% off discount link you'll notice their technology they have a capsule inside of a capsule so you get a multi-stage delivery of the bacteria the probiotics that are in the capsules very interesting stuff and a highly recommend it for anyone that's making a lifestyle change microbiomes are one of the first things that change when we start making better moves and better decisions so why not help it out a little bit more so that link down below 25% off seeds daily symbiotic we're going to look at a study that's published in the anals of internal medicine took a look at 47 articles was taking a look at sedentary Behavior and ultimately found flat out that being sedentary was going to increase the risk of all cause mortality increase cardiovascular disease related death increase cardiovascular disease incidence increase type 2 diabetes and increase cancer risk okay no surprise there we know that sitting is bad but let's look at another paper that was published in the Lancet okay and then we're going to get into the nitty-gritty stuff so this paper found that essentially being inactive so a lack of physical activity rather was associated with a 9% relationship with premature death from all kinds of different mortalities so all kinds of cardiovascular disease cancer type 2 diabetes all of them together not one of them but all of them so in essence not being active led to a 9% increase in premature death that doesn't sound like a ton but guess what it's statistically more than smoking it is literally more dangerous and increases your risk of dying to be inactive than it does to smoke that is why they're saying sitting is the new smoking so you're probably thinking I have a bias here but actually I don't because I'm someone that I don't have a lot of sedentary time but I dose my exercise right like I have my exercise and then I'm more relaxed and I'm more calm whereas there's other people like maybe in Europe that exercise a little bit less but they're way more active in general so we need to look at data there's a stud that was published in the journal exercise nutrition and biochemistry that was really interesting I'm going to read a quote from this study right out the gate it says non-exercise activity thermogenesis is a highly variable component of thermic energy expenditure low levels of non- exercise activity thermogenesis are associated with obesity the activity that we do outside of exercise although highly variable is a larger marker of telling whether someone is going to be obese or not if they are someone that is exercising but relatively inactive otherwise like if they're considered low non-exercise activity thermogenesis there's a stronger correlation that they're going to be obese than someone that just doesn't exercise as a matter of fact the study also continues on to say that the energy expenditure from non-exercise activity thermogenesis is significantly larger than the energy expended through exercise so by moving more throughout the day no one's denying that you're going to burn way more fat than if you're actually exercising doesn't mean exercise is bad we're going to get to all this and how to do it right but what we have to do is look at a very very very important study a landmark study from 1999 a while ago that took a look at subjects and it fed them 1,000 calories over their maintenance level for 8 weeks and it monitored their non- exercise activity thermogenesis and all of this they found that 23 of the energy expenditure in these groups came from non- exercise activity thermogenesis and these were non-obese people so they were relatively active people so first of all adding more calories in most of them just ended up moving more but 2third of their overall activity came from non-exercise activity thermogenesis only a third came from the thermic effect of food and some of these other things but it gets even crazier the changes in non-exercise activity thermogenesis accounted for the tfold difference in fat accumulation between groups but those that simply had more non-exercise activity thermogenesis had a tfold less accumulation of fat I don't think they were moving 10 times more than the other people the point is is that simply moving has this trickle down Cascade that changes all kinds of things so it's looking pretty good for the mule right now but we need to compare them side by side let's take a look at the thorough bread the type of people that might just try to maybe exercise instead of just having activity throughout the day there was a study that was published in lanet this was a very important study it was basically trying to determine if you could exercise yourself out of a lot of sitting time essentially what they found is that you needed at least 60 to 75 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise to even begin to cancel out some of the effects of sitting down for like 8 hours a day those that were sitting down watching TV for five or more hours per day it barely made an impact so what the difference between sitting down at a desk and sitting down watching TV sitting down watching TV you're barely moving at all sitting down at a desk you might be having some non-exercise activity thermogenesis if you're sitting down watching TV it's just demonstrating if you are super sedentary it's very hard almost I don't want to say impossible but really hard to short bout of exercise your way out of that as a matter of fact even the highest activity levels could not cancel it out so even when they looked at the extreme the elite you could be an elite Runner and run for one or two hours a day but if you're sedentary for 10 hours out of the day you're not going to cancel out the negative aspects of sitting down even with that extreme exercise that is so eye opening also a little disappointing but it opens our eyes to maybe how we should be living it's not realistic for someone to do 60 to 75 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every day I consider myself an athlete and that would be a lot like I can't do that every day I mean that's that's a huge commitment yes I kind of will but like just to cancel out a desk job that's unrealistic so still looking good for the mule but there's still more we need to look at there was a set was publ in the joural Journal of environmental resources in public health however that found that whether you're active or inactive doing some form of high-intensity interval training would increase your V2 Max and your metabolic parameters exercise has benefits independent of just movement okay if you were to just be more active and be a mule that wasn't ever exerting himself like maybe a mule that just walked on a hot Walker all the time instead of going up into the mountains and actually having strenuous activity well yeah you wouldn't have the same impact because exercise improves your V2 Max and V2 Max is largely associated with longevity and fat loss as well so what we're seeing here is like okay maybe the Baseline needs to be more activity with the occasional dose of higher intensity let's look more this gets really really really interesting there and we start to understand exactly what we should be doing if we compare the two there was a study published in scientific reports that looked at three randomized control trials what this study had subjects do is for 4 days they would have subjects sit 14 hours day another group would substitute 1 hour of sitting for 1 hour of intense exercise another group would substitute 5 hours of sitting for 5 hours of simple movement around the house the intense exercise group saw Zero changes in their metabolic parameters in their insulin sensitivity in their plasma lipids the group that just got up and moved around significant okay so you're telling me that I if I'm a sedentary person it's better for me to to just move around a few hours out of the day than it is to go to the gym for one concentrated hour and work my ass off for 60 straight minutes the exercise group did see one change though they saw pretty significant changes in their endothelium so they saw changes to their vascular structure in 4 days that the walking group did not what is this telling us it's telling us again that exercise is a stimulus it is something that we dose to get changes and adaptations to our body exercise is a stimulus stop thinking of exercise as burning calories think of exercise as the stimulus and burning calories as your daily life this is one of my favorite studies of all time it was published in PS1 and it had subjects do either high-intensity exercise or low intensity exercise for longer periods of time but they made sure that their calories were matched so for 4 days once again they had them substitute 1 hour of sitting for 1 hour of intense activity the other group they said said okay you're going to do 4 hours of light walking around the house and 2 hours of standing so basically like they were at a standup desk with maybe a treadmill or something like that and they were comparing the differences here even when calories were matched what they found is that the low intensity group had significant changes whereas the high-intensity group did not their triglycerides were lower their HDL was higher and they didn't even exercise they just moved around better results than the intense exercise group the present study performed under free living conditions suggests that 1 hour of physical exercise cannot compensate for the negative effects of inactivity if the rest of the day is spent sitting what do we take away from it I want to give some examples because if you're someone that is just like a regularly active person adding some intensity into your workouts is going to be good as someone that really loves being an athlete and loves pushing my body I've also come to realize that for General fat loss and for metabolic health and for longevity all I need is the proper dose to have an adaptation occur which doesn't take much for most people they view exercise as their way of burning calories so they sit down they have the desk job or they just choose to sit down because it's their life and they think if I take one hour and I exercise it's Crossing all that things off like that's it that's all I need but I encourage you instead of spending the money on the gym membership move more I promise you I promise you it's going to be a better outcome then get some dumbbells and two or 3 days a week do something that pushes your body hard but you don't need much time of doing it you can do 30 minutes of intense vigorous work the rest of the time change your Baseline I promise you you will burn so many more calories your body will change so much if you're mildly active compared to completely inactive is a world of a difference you burn so many more calories with non- exercise activity thermogenesis you trigger so many more metabolic changes with non- exercise activity thermogenesis For the Love of All Things good please please understand that the most important thing you can do is stop sitting and then dose your exercise appropriately now if you're an athlete or you're trying to get super jacked obviously the stimulus has change I'll see you tomorrow