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The Exact Foods I Eat to Get Below 8% Body Fat and STAY There All Year

to hover around 6 7% body fat all the time I do need to kind of change my Foods up now and then I also change my calories I change my activity I'm always kind of keeping it moving so that adaptive thermogenesis doesn't really fall into place now adaptive thermogenesis is where you adjust to the calories that you're taking in and there's some evidence that could suggest that maybe you even acclimate to the foods that you eat so I do rotate them out a lot now my Staples are my Staples they're ones that don't typically change a whole lot however now in 2025 there's some new additions to the foods that I eat pretty much daily to stay super lean year round so without further Ado we're just going to jump right into it and after this video I put a link down below for a free sample variety pack of element electrolytes I do sip on these pretty much every day I do sip on these electrolytes almost always between meals to curve my appetite there's 1,000 milligram of sodium 200 milligram pottassium and 60 milligram of magnesium they have a bunch of delicious flavors not to mention they have their sparkling ready to drink version as well so that link at drink Thomas gets you a free sample variety pack along with any purchase so any purchase you make you get that free variety pack with all the different flavors and I'm telling you when it comes down to curbing your appetite and having something to consume not to mention replenish electrolytes it's the one so that link is down below the first thing that I've pivoted a little bit on I've always been a ground beef person I've always been like a 93 96% lean ground beef person but recently I've been going either a little bit higher fat just to get a little more satiety and to replace some of the other fats that I'll talk about in a little bit in this video or I'll go with venison now venison is very very lean to begin with but I've been enjoying going with venison and I'll tell you why I did a lot of research in 2023 and specifically in 2024 looking at the Scandinavian countries and when you look at their meat consumption their Wild game consumption you see that they eat a large majority Wild game at least in certain regions they also have some of the best lifespans in the world okay and a lot of it Consolidated into those Nordic countries that also consume a lot of game meat now I'm saying that correlation equals causation but there's a lot of other things as well usually the fatty acid profile is a little bit better I think the taste is better and there's even some argument that the quality of protein could be better but that's slightly Up For Debate bottom line is whenever I can I at least mix some venison in it doesn't happen all the time but it's definitely more of a staple for me now than it used to be the next one is one that hasn't changed a whole lot except I've pivoted a tiny bit so I'll go with four to six whole eggs per day okay and I almost always go for a free range organic I don't go for cagefree that doesn't really mean much these days but I also add an additional three to four whites and I have four dogs so I give the yolks to the dogs so nothing's going to waste but then I'm getting the additional protein in now there's no real surprise there but the only thing that's different is nowadays I will occasionally just go with egg whites not because I think the yoke is bad but because there are days when I'm doing what's called protein sparing modified fasting which is where I'm trying to get my protein as high as I possibly can while keeping my fats as low as I possibly can and carbs almost out of the equation that's only some days that I'm doing this psmf as it's called in which case egg whites which I had kind of demonized a little bit before because I thought they were like somewhat non-nutritive I mean now they're somewhat of a staple for me but I still cook them number three artichokes have come into play I'm a big artichoke guy and I have been for a long time but as I've learned more about the Mediterranean diet and why it works well I'm less convinced that it has to do with just the fats and I'm a lot more convinced it has to do with the fats in conjunction with the specific kinds of fibers they consume there's a lot of very longchain inulin in those Mediterranean diets okay so I do this not just from a longevity perspective but my appetite after IAT even Jarred artichokes or canned artichokes it's totally nil it destroys my appetite and it could be because that very long chain inulin has a powerful glp1 like effect right it has an effect on gp1 so almost a OIC wovi effect not to mention the very long chain inulin is just good for the gut bacteria to begin with right so it's a huge staple for me now I'm also back on the broccoli train much more than I used to be I went down the asparagus route for a long time and I love asparagus still but artichokes have kind of replaced asparagus for me and broccoli has come back into the equation mainly because I'm getting excited about a lot more of the suhane research not only is sulfurane very good for elevating levels of GST and getting their overall glutathione production higher it also binds to chemicals in the body itself and makes them more water soluble so sulfurane in and of itself can bind to a compound make it more water soluble so that it's easier to urinate out so in a world where we are just constantly bombarded with stressors and oxidative stress and when I'm banging my body up in the gym I want to be able to excrete what I need to excrete and I found that I do feel better when I eat broccoli and there's something going on there not to mention it elevates what's called Nrf2 which regulates the expression of genes that specifically have to do with the clearance of some of these byproducts and other chemicals right so we're elevating our body's own endogenous ability to deal with things by elevating Nrf2 what does this have to do with fat loss well any that stands in the way of an efficient running body in my opinion is going to be encumbrance to fat loss but we also have to factor in health and satiety too number five is going to upset a few people bottom line is honey has made its way into my diet relatively I don't know religiously I consume a fair bit of it I don't go to town on it but here's what's Wild like if I'm sitting in this gray area where I'm just having just a few carbs but not enough to really get a benefit of carbs and not low enough to be considered super low carb a lot of times I would rather increase the carbs I don't like sitting in what's called metabolic Purgatory I am either very clearly very low carb keto or moderate carb I don't sit in the low carb range I'm either practically none or moderate because that low carb range is where you're not good at anything you're like in this like gray area again metabolic Purgatory so with that honey is a great way to just knock it up a couple notches without having a huge glucose Spike because for a lot of reasons honey doesn't seem to do that to me and I could site the research but I've done that in other videos I'm going to spare you the time and spare you the details simple fact is honey is not pure sugar it is different and that also leads me to my next one which is also going to irritate people but when you look at the data you just can't compare the two as Apples to Apples maple syrup is not the same as sugar it is not the important thing is that you go for darker maple syrup okay it's going to have a higher antioxidant profile slightly more sugar technically but when it has a higher antioxidant profile it counteracts the negative effects of the sugar now when I go back to a video that I did on maple syrup altogether there was actually a study I can't remember where it was published but where the researchers literally said that the antioxidant and the flavonoid profile of maple syrup actually counteracts the negative effects of the sugar it doesn't cancel out sugar but it cancels out the negative effect effects of the excess sugar so maple syrup is something that I am okay with sweetening things with that means baked goods maybe put on a little greek yogurt I'm not talking Mrs Butterworth I'm talking like good quality Vermont New Hampshire maple syrup the third one that's in this category and number seven that's on my list that wasn't really before dates here's the interesting thing there are different kinds of dates and if you were to just go into Google or chat gbt and you were to type in like what dates have the lowest glycemic index you would find that there is a plus ple or a plethora of dates ranging from like a 35 glycemic index all the way up to a 75 the kind of dates that you get matter medle dates which I love are pretty high glycemic but they are decently high in fiber and they're they have a fair bit of allulose so I mean it's not like a lot maybe a couple grams but allulose has some interesting effects on binding to a glute 2 receptor and making that sugar have a little less of an impact bottom line is once again it's not the same as sugar so for me I'd rather get my carbs in in a Consolidated way where I can control them a little bit more rather than have like a bell curve of low glycemic carbs all the time again it's important to note that if you are dealing with type two diabetes or you are dealing with insulin resistance a lower glycemic carb is probably a better choice but even still the honey the maple syrup and the dates are a better replacement for sugar if sugar is still in your life anyway please just swap them out but if you can do without them do without them number eight whey protein concentrate is definitely a staple for me and I know I catch Flack for it but I'm proud of my weight protein concentrate because I feel like it contributes to my physique I feel like it contributes to me getting enough protein in which probably has a net positive above the fact that it's somewhat ultr processed I'm not getting stuff that has a bunch of sucrose I'm not getting a bunch of garbage I'm getting good quality whey protein concentrate which I think even if our ancestors had access to it they would probably consume it I get the lactoferrin I get all the benefits that come from a digestive a ECT to number nine is one that's more an occasional thing but I'm going to be honest I like it there's a company called Fairlife I drink Fairlife milk now and then it's Ultra filtered milk and if you haven't seen it before they basically cut the sugar more than half and increase the protein by filtering it and there's an interesting patent on how they can filter it now there is a newer brand called Pioneer pastures which is going to be doing the same sort of thing except with A2 milk so it's going to be higher quality they might even have Buffalo milk they might cool thing is is this is right around the corner I have some inside scoop that you might be able to find Pioneer pastures at the time of release of this video I still like Fair life but it's not organic there's probably some garbage in it but at the end of the day like it fits my macros a lot better than say having like regular milk which is going to be equally garbage I prefer not saying that milk is garbage but I prefer to have like one that's not going to have as much sugar not have as much fat and have a lot more protein a whole milk tastes like a heavy cream and a 2% tastes like a hole and a fat free tastes like a 2% it's kind of nice number 10 is my Greek yogurt and this has been on my list for as long as I can remember Greek yogurt and cottage cheese say no more mix some protein with it mix a little honey with it mix something with it whatever it is a quick and easy way to have 200 calories but get 50 grams of protein it is amazing next up I cook with ghee I'm back to ghee for a while I went over to some other fats I went over to Tallow I like Tallow but I love the taste of ghee and I love the fact that ghee has so much in the way of the short chain fatty acids the BC acid has this good stuff it has the propi it has these are really really good for a the gut but B they're also just good quality fats that are easy to assimilate so I would rather cook in ghee it's also exceptionally stable so you're basically taking we see all the benefits of dairy fat all these benefits out there right now okay dairy fat is amazing when you cancel out some of the milk solids out of it and you're left with just the pure dairy fat of ghee come on it's like pure good fat number 12 is kimchi there's a brand I can't remember what brand it is that actually makes kimchi pickles no affiliation with them at all I don't remember the brand name but kimchi pickles are basically pickles along with like the kimchi juice and the cabbage and the stuff and I just like fermented stuff not to mention it's fermented it tastes good but it also fills me up and it has an added health benefit hummus babaan straight up olive oil now now olive oil has something called oea oil Ethan alamine okay now what this is is a particular fat and it's out of oleic acid which is in olive oil it is one of the most potent appetite suppressants the downside is that it's caloric so even though it's an appetite suppressant you're getting an oil so like yeah if you consume 400 calories of oil and then you don't eat for a couple hours net net are you still in a better position so that's why I like to make my own hummus super easy some salt some tahini if you want to make it taste a little bit different you kind of add in there already some chickpeas some olive oil that's really it you can flavor it however you want you can add a little pesto make a pesto type hummus or you can make babaan or just buy babaan most good brands of babaan are going to be made with olive oil but you can't just always have babaan handy bottom line is that olive oil is great and it's still something that I use to control my appetite but also something I use to just get good quality fats in number 14 is Limes Li limes have inserted their way into my life I have found that lime in my water lime in sparkling water lime on chicken lime even on ground beef lime on a little bit of like a a cete tortilla or something it's just amazing they taste so good and they add so much volume in life I can't tell you that they're a fat loss food but they do certainly add a volume to the food that makes me feel like I'm getting more out of something Bland number 15 is two it's blueberries and apples blueberries have always been on my list anthocyanins major antioxidant Rich Berry but I'm a big fan of a good old organic honey crisp apple now I find that something about the pectin and the thick fiber I feel instantly satiated with about 70 calories so if I'm on a fat loss routine and I feel like I need some carbs it's one of the quickest sources of carbohydrates that I would get without going overboard and without adding a bunch of calories and it's portable number 16 I still like my Macadamia Nets but I really have become more of a fan of satcha inchi seeds and I know that I have a foodish are obligation to some SAA inie seed brands that are on this channel but no for real like SAA inie seeds are a zero carb nut because they are so technically a seed so high in fiber that it cancels out all the carbohydrates the oil that's in it is a very unique oil that seems to has really powerful benefits on insulin resistance and Insulin Management in the first place it's a low unsaturated fat pretty high monounsaturated fat conduit so in the grand scheme of things it's a really good powerful seed that can replace a lot of my nuts and that's some funny point is is that SAA inii is a staple for me now I probably have about an ounce at least a half an ounce per day number 17 is fermented maze this is wild because I've always been an anti-corn guy when you get good quality corn and it's fermented and it's made in the real way that like the Mayans or the Aztecs would have made it it's actually great like you look at the ncoy peninsula like the Blue Zone that's what kind of turned me onto this I'm like these guys are have some of the lowest BMI and the best lifespan like what the heck when you look at all the blue zones and they eat a lot of this maze they eat a lot of corn tortillas they even make chips that they fry in Tallow right so like it's a true superfood for them that has nutritional value we're just used to bogus corn right like highly modified just garbage corn so I've been eating or at least getting my own Maze and making my own or I'll just occasionally eat a Masa chip As a treat Masa is a company that makes a a ma is fried in Tallow chip and I don't eat a lot of them because it's still a processed food it's barely processed but it's still a hyper palatable food if you ask me something that you could overdo in a calorically dense food but I feel like it's added life to me and it's allowed me to stay leaner and still have a treat number 18 is going to catch some flak for sure but I still love my seared AI tuna and people are going to say what about Mercury content thing is is tuna is high in selenium there's some evidence that suggest that selenium can cancel out and help negate some of the negative effects of mercury can help the body get rid of mercury I don't have the study right in front of me I did a video on it a while ago but even still I'm not eating enough to really be dangerous it's a staple but I don't have a bunch at a time I'm still a fan of AI pokei I'm still a fan of seared AI I think it's one of the leanest most delicious sources of protein that you can get and lastly I've started adding shiraki noodles glucomin fiber the shiraki those like clear practically no calorie noodles that are made from glucomin fiber or the CAC root I mix it up with a little bit of gluten-free fish sauce or tamari and or tamari a little bit of chili flake like a little bit of red pepper dude it's like a Chowan it seriously is like a chowa you could also I don't do peanuts too often but you could add like a peanut sauce and almost make a pad tie with it if it is seasoned right the stuff is amazing and it will curb your appetite tremendously but at the very least it'll add bulk to your food without a lot of calories so as always keep it locked in here on my channel I'll see you tomor more

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