Good morning everyone It's already last week of September! How's your week? Hong Kong does not really have Autumn so its not noticeable here A year is largely consist of Summer and Winter Kind of like our breakfast, not usually too many surprises Kay and I prefer the consistency as it leaves room for surprises else where Like food, we prefer spending our creativity on desserts / casual bakings We were discussing whether our lives have become a bit too routine When asked what's new, it's always "as usual" haha... Pouring eggs into cold water immediately after cooked makes it 100 times easier to peel Do you prefer a stable meal
Tag: morning routine
How to Become a Morning Person in 4 Days | 7 Science Backed Steps
how to become a morning person and get up at 5am without feeling sluggish how do you make it feel seamless okay one of the first things that you need to get rid of out of your entire life is just a blaring blasting terrible alarm clock that is not how you want to shock yourself awake when you get up early you have these nice theta waves okay theta waves I've talked about before you switch from a Delta wave to a Theta wave which is a very creative state kind of a almost a state of hypnosis when you first get up in the
8 Reasons to Wake Up at 5AM Every Day (and NEVER Look Back)
eight reasons to get up at 5am to start your day right and to make the most out of the day the first one when you roll out of bed you are in what is called a Theta wave state so when you're sleeping you're in delta waves and right when you wake up you're generally in a Theta wave state now theta waves allow for you to be in your most creative state so by getting up at 5am you get to capitalize on those theta waves better that means you can do creative tasks that means you can do creative stuff for work creative