hello guys it's me the town
two um today is my keto bursary keto anniversary keto birthday whatever you want
to call it uh basically one year on the keto diet this didn't hardly expect to
be doing this for this long it's just crazy how all this
has been going and everything starting off i didn't even know i was going to be
doing keto i didn't plan on doing it i randomly got introduced to it by a few people um i had one
friend who was posting stuff on facebook saying down 10 pounds since christmas down 20 pounds
since christmas down 40 pounds since christmas like each month just kept posting that in my head
i'm like what what is he doing how's the dude losing so much weight um but i never asked him
never asked any questions just was like you know great job um and in september i met two different
people randomly that i had never met before and we both ended up started talking about keto diet
and i didn't really know what it was but they both were telling me bits and pieces of it and how
it worked and everything so i ended up eventually looking up some information and decided to try it
out um i had a doctor's visit and was talking to my doctor and told him that i was thinking about
doing it and he was against it he told me no i don't think you should do it i
don't think it's a good diet to do due to the fact that um it's like a fad like
people get on it and and don't uh stick to it or they'll stick to it but as soon as they get off of
it they'll go back and he's basically just saying that you know i'm more into lifestyle changes
where people make healthy choices and everything and those things stick with them which technically
doing a keto diet is a lifestyle change you alter everything that you eat and it's not something
that's generally done for a short period of time but he still was against me doing it um but i
told him like hey i mean because i was diagnosed with diabetes uh so i had to see him every three
months anyway i was like i'm gonna try it out and see if it works and after three months you know
we could see because i think my blood work drawn and everything um so i went up ended up starting
uh i started september 16 of 2019 well the first week of that i kind of prepped into it i just
slowly cut carbs out of what i was eating but i really went full blown on september 16th after
the first month of being on it i lost 27 pounds my starting weight was 400 421 pounds
421.8 and after the first month i was down 27 pounds i was like man this is working um i
might as well just keep keep wanting to keep going after the second month i was down 15 pounds
and after the third month i was down 16 pounds um so i believe like so when i went back for my
three month checkup i think i was down like 57 pounds total and he was like you know good job
we know what are you doing and you know i told him i started doing a keto diet he was like well
it you know keep it up it looks like it's working um when i went in september my a1c was a 7.3
and that was like the highest has ever been um after those three months of being on the keto
it dropped down to 6.2 from september to december um continue staying on keto and you know eating
right and didn't really um cheat or anything i mean i may have had like a french fry or so here
or there but i didn't have any bread or any ice cream any sugar anything like that um my next
month checkup was supposed to be in march and that's when covert and everything started and i
really didn't go back i didn't go to the doctor's offices were closed so i couldn't go back so
i ended up going back in june uh the doctor's offices were still closed but they allowed
you to go in for the blood work just to get your blood drawn and that was it so that was fine
for me i just wanted to know those numbers anyway when i went back in uh june my numbers had dropped
to 5.6 and so i was like wow you know this is this really going i mean i'm past i'm not even i'm
like just out of the pre-diabetic uh range i'm not out of the spectrum completely i believe
then i just went back uh two days ago for my one year checkup technically from the start of
doing it on the 14th and i got my results back uh yesterday and my a1c dropped down to 5.2 so
my diabetes is completely under control i don't know if once you are out of the range of numbers
if you completely are no longer with diabetes or something that they claim is just with you all the
time it's just all based on what the numbers are but my numbers are very very much under range
and under control as now and everything is my um kidney liver all those functions everything all my
numbers are within well range for being on this um just cutting back cutting back on alcohol i still
drink alcohol every now and then just drink it straight just with no sugar no no sugary drinks
or anything like that or if i do i'll have uh a uh sparkling water which i previously hated
i talked so much stuff about them but now i can tolerate them um and i use uh the walmart
squirts the uh little flake water flavor enhancers that wasn't uh with uh sparkling water
to me it tastes just like soda um but the the starting weight again when i started was
421.8 pounds and today when i weighed myself i was 293.2 so i the whole year i lost a
total of 128 pounds 128.6 pounds and it's just you know big differences and
changes in my life his quality of life just little things would have my back hurting
walking short distances doing some things my wife wanted to go places and i tried to find
my way to get out of it because i knew walking and all that would be i'd be tired and didn't
want to do it and hot and sweaty and all that but now we're going on walks going
on hikes playing with my kids just a lot more stuff that i'm doing and don't
have any issues or problems with doing which i definitely want to continue and keep up and
everything um i will plan on you know continue to making keto videos and everything i may cut back
and start making some meals that do have carbs in them i may post those i may not but i still
do plan on keeping keto meals and keep making keto meals to keep it up because the lifestyle
change is definitely helpful and beneficial for me and if anyone has any questions or comments
or anything let me know um not used to being on camera like this normally i just make the
video and do the voiceover and say what i did how it was and all that but um just wanted
to hop on here say hello uh show my face and um say thank you guys for rocking with me
on this journey um i know i didn't start posting the videos and everything for about three or
four months ago but i was always posting all my stuff online on instagram and facebook so
that just made me want to just post it online because to me the hardest part of the keto diet
was at the beginning was finding the information you know you don't really know that many people
that's on it or unless you start talking about it and then people come to you like hell yeah i'm
doing that i'm trying that but for me you know i was doing everything on my own looking up recipes
and just looking up information and the thing is everything is online all this information
is available for you on the website uh you just have to just look it up and search
and like i always say what i try to do is i just try to keep it simple um pick a healthy fat pick
protein and some low carb veggies and try to keep that and put that in every meal i don't really
track what i eat that much uh but i do every now and then if i stall like there has been times
where i've been about a month time frame where i didn't really lose no weight and it gets a bit
frustrating everything because you don't see the scale moving or anything but your clothes and
everything start fitting differently you know when i started i was a 5x shirts and now i'm in
a 3x comfortably almost in a 2x on some brand you know some are bigger some are small but um yeah
the hardest part was just finding something to eat so i wanted to post these videos uh of what
i eat this is everything you see on here is what me and my family ate for dinner that night um
and if i can help anybody with this i'm happy if you have any questions please feel free to hit
me up or ask me any questions i can definitely help with what i can or what information that i
have but all this information is available for you online if you look up look it up and look
for it what i do is anything that i want to eat i just put keto in front of it keto lasagna
keto uh pasta but they'll have their versions of what alternative methods you can use but just
put keto in front of whatever you want to eat and just look at the recipe look at what it is
and just know what staples or whatever things you can interchange or change out you can swap
this for that or use this instead of that but uh i want to say thank you guys um have a
great day thank you guys for watching enjoy