imagine that you've been intermittent fasting but you haven't been paying attention to research that's come out that's suggested that maybe you would get more benefit if you do things a little bit different the good news is almost everything that's come out has actually made fasting easier so this is going to serve as somewhat of a complete guide for how to do intermittent fasting for fat loss but also for building muscle and how to sort of time things but again the good news is everything has gotten easier but the big name of the game now is how do we toggle between what is called sympathetic and parasympathetic States what we've learned throughout the literature over the last four or five years is that fasting is stressful it's hard on the body so that's why you're seeing people like Dr Peter datia some of these other people even Dr Ronda Patrick not condoning fasting as much whereas I'm someone that's a huge fan of it because it works we just have to learn how to implement it rather than throw it all away so we can teach ourselves how to use the stress and then how to back away from the stress so we get maximum fat loss maximum muscle building and then maximum recovery so we can turn around and do it again hey please subscribe if you have not subscribed to this Channel and drop a comment for the algorithm that's what YouTube likes these days it's weird they just want people to talk so drop a quick comment for the algorithm and if you haven't already you have daily videos hit that subscribe button so the first thing that's going to really change is now we're going to focus more on what is called burst fasting what I mean by burst fasting is I used to be a fan of going one or two days on with fasting then one or two days off and never really fasting backtack days and I used to be a big fan of that because most people would do 168 intermittent fasting where they fast for 16 hours and eat for eight hours or an eight hour window in which they can't eat and I was always concerned that that would slow down the metabolism over time and that's a valid concern because if you just continue to decrease calories at the same rate by skipping breakfast every day that just becomes your nor where's the Catalyst for change right fat loss comes from a rapid change or a shock to the body burst fasting is where we now go three to five days in a row of intermittent fasting not a three to five day fast itself but three to five 18h hour fasts in a row which is hard for me to Fathom but it started working really really well but then you take three to five days off of fasting this does a few things one it prevents you from getting somewhat psychologically addicted to the fasted state it is addicting it feels good we feel light we feel Airy but then next thing we know our recovery starts to kind of go downhill and that's when people bail people like Dr peteras is like I'm not going to fast anymore it's not no shame on him it's just a matter of no we don't need to be that black or white we can have some Middle Ground now it also allows us this chance to recover and keep our calories higher on the days we don't fast so that way we end up with the recover Y and the fasting ends up being a shock now I used to always be about fasting being the anomaly anyway where you would go you know maybe two days a week of fasting make it aggressive well in this case we're just changing the timeline we're going three four five days in a row of fasting three four five days in a row of not fasting my recommendation on the days you are fasting those would be good days to not have as many carbohydrates in the mix maximize the effects of the fast maximize the effects of lipolysis carbohydrates do inhibit lipolysis even though they can be good for Recovery okay so we want to kind of get the maximum fat burning there then on the days you're not fasting if you want to have some carbs go ahead and sneak them in somewhere probably in the evening time the second thing that I suggest people do differently that I'm starting to do differently is I have separate high calorie fasting days and low calorie fasting days I don't think you need to have a serious program to this I think you just need to have some Randomness to it what I mean by that is some days you're going to fast and you might not feel like eating a lot in your eating window Don't Force It but other days you might feel like you need to eat more you might even eat more during your eating period than you do in a day that you're not fasting let me say that again you might even eat more during your eating period of a fasting day then you do during the days that you don't fast doesn't mean you do it every day remember the magic of the fast is during the fast I know there's people out there that say hey it's all about caloric deficit caloric balance that definitely is a big piece of it but we know now that there's a lot of other moving pieces and it's not just about that day over day okay we have to look again with a wide angle perspective here so what I'll do is some days I might only have 1,500 calories on a fasting day some days I might have 3,000 it all depends on my activity level it depends on how I feel so randomly fluctuate that keep your body guessing a little bit the next one is something that's really important if you want the easier route something that's easier to maintain just skip breakfast but 186 is the new 168 what remember that 168 was always the Hollywood sort of intermittent fasting length 16 hours of fasting and hours of eating now we pretty much know that 18 hours is really where you want to be 16 hours is just skipping breakfast and forgetting to eat 18 hours something happens pretty significantly in terms of amk in terms of gluconeogenesis after 16 hours what that means is your body does tend to start tapping into more resources it's stored body fat things like that after 16 hours so I would say 18 becomes sort of the new minimum I know it's hard but it's much more effective okay now if you are someone that's trying to build muscle it's a little bit different we're going to talk about that in a minute but if you want to go a more advanced route what I would recommend is taking two or three days a week again consolidating them together giving yourself the recovery maybe 3 to four days per week and skip dinner that way you can tell your family hey for the next 3 days on not having dinner I'm going to fast through dinner and then you go 3 four days five days and you do eat dinner it's like it's not like you're having to abandon the whole thing the reason that it's more effective is because when you wake up in the morning you're in that deeper fasted State it's going to allow you to go into those workouts and pull more fat from Storage plain and simple insulin levels are going to be lower I know there's people that are going to deny this and I'm done trying to please everybody the fact of the matter is is this works it works for me some evidence backs it up and it works for thousands of other people that I've talked to and I've instructed and probably hundreds of thousands that have watched my videos so at the end of the day we can talk about calories in calories out but we can also say hey wait a minute if you're deeper in a fast it's pretty clear you're probably going to be producing more ketones you're probably going to burn more fat the deeper in a fast that you are so skipping dinner and doing your workout in the morning followed by breaking a fast it's probably the most aggressive way to go now here's what's a little bit different now if fat loss is your goal I recommend 30 to 40 minutes of resistance training on your fasting days followed by only about 15 minutes of cardio now when I say resistance training I do mean relatively short rests 60 90 seconds move pretty quick maybe do eom style whatever 30 to 40 minutes the reason is I am now pretty darn convinced that when it comes to Fat Loss the most important thing during a fast is muscle preservation if we talk about what these experts and again I'm not saying this in any cheeky way Ronda Patrick Dr Peter AA some of these that have kind of turned around on fasting a little bit well what's interesting is that they are most concerned about the muscle loss if you talk to a lot of people that fast they don't weight train when they're fasting they do cardio when they're fasting shift that flip the Paradigm flip the script go ahead and do your resistance training fasted so you keep your muscle so then you kind of get rid of the overall negative aspect of fasting in the first place the biggest driver for muscle protein synthesis is actual stimulus resistance training that's the biggest driver for building muscle is being able to actually stimulate the muscle so you're not going to lose much muscle if you use it while you're fasting okay so do not worry so much about the cardio on the fasting days on the contrary do the cardio on your non-fasting days okay cardio is going to be very good for building muscle in the long run but in the short term there's no doubt it's catabolic so why would you do that on a fasting day when you're trying to basically preserve as much muscle as possible do more cardio on your feeding days you can still do your cardio in a quote fasted State first thing in the morning but you don't have to do it on a fasting day I would recommend eating shortly after your cardio if muscle building is your goal remember that protein calories and stimulus matter the most carbohydrates don't matter anymore we're not worried about carbs for muscle growth unless you are a high stress person that needs to bring cortisol levels down we can talk about that later what I would recommend if muscle building is your goal is take two days a week where you do aggressive 20 to 22 hour fasts but two days a week back toback so you have two days out of the week that are aggressive aggressive fat burning days to keep you in check and then you have five days to really Kickstart everything get muscle protein synthesis going get things rocking and rolling and really building the way that you want to build okay now if you wanted to throw other things into the mix if you wanted to even potentially throw peptides you could talk to your doctor about that though it could work really well during a muscle building phase with fasting a lot has shifted in the supplement World okay we are now seeing some really interesting evidence on what's called yimi and rulin particularly in a fasted State yimi and rulin are massive appetite suppressants they destroy your appetite but additionally what's really fascinating about them is they are what is called an alpha 2 adrenic receptor Agonist they bind to the Alpha 2 adrenergic receptor okay so what this means is it's essentially blocking the blocking of fat Liberation we have sort of an inherent blockage preventing fat from getting out and breaking down into free fatty acids and when that Alpha 2 agenic receptor is acted upon that doesn't allow us to really liberate those fats what yimi and rusin does is it binds to those and it actually blocks that whole process long story short it allows fat to be liberated allows the triglyceride to break down into free fatty acids and we've seen this evidence strong evidence and I've posted other videos talking about yo being and ra start with 5 migs and it may be something that is too intense you might want to talk to a physician it is something that's totally legal and over-the-counter but it's intense and it kind of works along a similar pathway of caffeine but a little bit longer acting Raul scene is more expensive but it's higher quality the other thing is TMG trimethyl glycine you're probably no stranger to it by now because I have talked at nauseum about it okay it is very interesting as a methyl donor which ultimately ends up lowering inflammation and increasing fat burning and muscle building the evidence is really strong so even just like a small amount a couple grams of TMG is going to be powerful you could just use a recommended dose and use it daily it's pretty simple the next one which is really something that you've heard of before but it is unbelievably important now and I'm talking at higher dosages during fasting days and that's creatine hear me out on this I have noticed such a significant change if I am a fasting block where I'm fasting more by literally using 5 to 15 grams of creatine on a fasting day my brain is on fire I don't get hungry and my muscles Stay full and most importantly I'm hydrated it's one of the most important things for hydration during a fast is possibly having creatine so intracellular water comes in so don't be shy with the creatine I put a link for some stick packs actually you know the company it's called create but that a 50% off like legit 50% off creatine stick packs they're five gr stick packs and they're sweetened with monk fruit entirely fasting friendly so you can have them during a fast I promise you they will keep your appetite at Bay but they'll keep your energy high so if I'm fasting a lot my calories are low 10 to 15 grams of creatine throughout the day I spread it evenly in like little water bottle sips throughout the day I just sip on it those stick packs make it kind of easy to just sip on throughout the day because I can put it in a water jug or whatever but my strength stays High even in a fasted state so again that link is down below 50% off creates creatine stick packs they still have their gummies too those are super awesome but these sugar-free stick packs are even cooler so again link Down Below in the top line of the description when it comes to breaking your fast things are about the same but there's one big change the carbohydrates okay so when you break your fast I recommend 20 30 grams of light lean protein right when you break your fast been saying that since 2016 okay 30 to 60 minutes later go ahead and bring in more protein and more fats but I don't recommend bringing in the carbs anymore I used to be about hey now's a time to add some carbs in the mix the interesting thing is that now we're seeing that carb timing doesn't do a ton for Recovery unless you feel extra like ah after your workout or after your uh fast right then carbs can kind of help bring you down but I recommend just going protein and then the next meal some protein and some fat and then maybe add carbs into the evening if you want to add them in because then you're going to get better sleep out of the equation too and all is fine and dandy but I think you're going to get more if you just had the carbs in later than maybe add the carbs in right after you break a fast where you might feel lethargic there's just too much evidence saying that carb timing doesn't matter like carb timing pre-workout doesn't really matter what matters most is if you do eat carbs are your glycogen stores somewhat full that's all that really matters and when I had Dr Mike isrel on the channel he was talking about this he's like doesn't matter if you get 400 grams of carbs from binging on sushi at night or if you sprinkle it throughout the day bottom line is just get it in if you want the carbs but don't try to time it specifically with your fast it might just disrupt the hormones that are improving fat loss to begin with here's a couple of fasting dos and don'ts for this coming year fasting dos definitely utilize a sauna or hot bath during a fast it's an exercise mimetic you will get a fat loss effect and you definitely get some growth hormone benefit which can really help preserve some muscle during that fast as well resistance training is definitely a do upper aerobic work is definitely a do that means upper zone three even into zone four is a solid do definitely enjoy that drinking Fair bits of coffee drinking Fair bits of tea another one that's kind of added in now is yerba mate even better for fat loss than green tea but it kind of gets you going so maybe just use the Yerba mate right when you start the day and then switch over to the green tea as the day goes on now a couple of fasting don'ts I don't recommend you cold plunge on a fasting day it's just too much on the alisic load remember the whole name of the game here is how do we shift from stress fasting state to parasympathetic we want to turn on and then we want to turn off all the recovery all the repair all the Rejuvenation happens in the recovery phase problem is too much of us live in the recovery phase we try to make our life calm and relaxed all the time we need to have periodic stress that's what we're trying to do with fasting so we're trying to go longer periods of stress longer periods of recovery just different ratio here than we used to do now when it comes down to cold plunges that's a lot of stress so if you're experienced it's one thing but if you're someone that's just like trying to add cold exposure in just do it on the days when you're not fasting so it's not that stressful it's just a short acute stress rather than a chronic stressor do not do a bunch of zone five cardio maybe a little bit in a fastest state is fine or if you're experienced like I'll do it now and then but I don't recommend going balls to the wall zone five on a fasting day it's just too much stress on the body why do that to yourself another thing if you're sick don't do it okay I've talked about that before it's not the time you don't flush it out that's not how it works okay you don't starve it out I know there's sayings about that let's just let's not go there it doesn't work that way you do need some recovery okay and then additionally I am now starting to think that I used to be okay with diet soda during a fast I'm starting to think that maybe we should limit this I'm not a big fan of aspartame I'm not a big fan of sucrose anyway but I used to kind of give people a pass on that being like hey have it but after having Dr Ben bman on my channel talking about even how these things can impact like insulin levels but talking more so so doc to Dr Nick norwitz I'm kind of like you know maybe it's not worth it maybe I'll stick to Stevia monk fruit and not really worry about having diet sodas not that I really had them ever during a fast unless it was like a treat or a moment of indulgence but I know some people use them to get by I recommend switching to something like element electrolytes or sip on that create creatine U stuff that I was talking about like the stick packs sip on something sweet but it doesn't have to be sucos or aspartame it just maybe not the best what about post fasting supplementation remember our goal here is stimulating that parasympathetic State okay I like to still moderately dose fish oil now I do combine it personally with C15 I know I've talked about having you know Dr ven Watson on talking about how C15 might be more important than fish oil I still think they're both important so for me I'll take like two to 3,000 milligrams of fish oil usually skewed more towards the DHA because I want the brain benefit and the calming effect there I'll take 500 milligrams of magnesium usually in the form of di magnesium melee but now I also add an additional 200 milligrams from magnesium glycinate before bed trying to relax myself as much as I can I'll also use nicotinyl Gaba which is a Gaba supplement that's bound to B3 I'll also use Hony which is known as magnolia bark okay this can be really really good for just tilting your brain towards the Gaba system more if you remember I had Dr Scott Sher on my channel he's a huge Gaba guy he's all about Gaba that neurotransmitter that helps us be in that calmer state which is better for Recovery better for sleep and better for being able to turn it on when we need to turn it on okay so he's got that product troom this isn't a plug for them but I've used that product I love that product that has a nicotin Al Gaba and also has uh hon Kyle has some of these other things in some of their other products point is try to calm yourself down another thing that I use tryptophan now okay I will do usually a th000 milligrams of tryptophan and then I will also do about 400 milligrams of theanine so things have changed and yeah I'll add a multivitamin in but these are my relaxation supplements I am all about calming myself down I might even use a little muscle Mo now and then which is kind of like a uh U it's a it's a legal mushroom that kind of helps you calm down but some people has an adverse effect kind of amps them up a little bit more number nine carbs allocated towards the evening I talked about this earlier but that's not going to ruin your blood sugar that's not going to make you have this big spike overnight that's not how it works okay if you are insulin resistant that could be a problem and if you're eating within two or three hours of bed that could be a problem but your last meal of the day maybe two or three hours before bed you're perfectly fine to have some carbohydrates you might find it helps your sleep especially if you're taking tryptophan because then the insulin Spike allows the tryptophan to get into the brain and it's a recipe for good sleep so I do recommend it if recovery and sleep is something that is a priority to you we want to get that deep sleep we want those growth hormone pulses to counteract the fact that we're in extreme deficit with fasting and the last most important thing that I really think people need to know you are in control you are in charge not your fasting schedule I spent years letting my fasting schedule control my life meaning if I was stressed I would still fast on a day I was supposed to fast if you get an argument with your spouse if you get fired from work it's probably not a good idea to fast your allosteric load that overall state of stress is too high again we go back to what Dr Peter AA Dr Ronda Patrick all these people that are pivoting on fasting it's all because too much stress and catabolism we are in control of that like why is fasting in control of us we can say hey I'm not going to fast today we can say hey I'm not gonna fast this week or this month because stress is too high and then go back to it hardcore you are in control so as always please keep it locked in here on my channel and I'll see you tomorrow