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Dr. Tim Noakes: The FIRST Problem is Carbohydrates, followed Closely by Polyunsaturated Fats

[Music] do you think that the implementation I know you're not an expert in this world but you know monounsaturated fats Omega sevs were kind of seeing some of this literature out there talking about how that could help with insulin sensitivity um especially in metabolically unhealthy people you know does that warrant more research do you think that's there's something there uh do you think there's something beneficial there or is it really just the absence of carbohydrates for people that are metabolically unhealthy that's more important I also put a link down below for 30% off through Thrive Market the reason I mentioned that is because as of right now we have lean meat and whey protein as the best muscle building and fat loss proteins right so Thrive markets a place that you can get that because they have fresh meat they have fresh groceries they have supplements they have everything you could get at like a regular grocery store like you could get it the Whole Foods except generally cheaper and delivered to your doorstep plus that link down below saves you 30% off your entire order so use that link down below underneath this video and you can literally get your cottage cheese you could get whey protein you could get chicken you could literally get vegetables delivered to you now so it's a full spectrum grocery store and again 30% off using that link down below off your entire first grocery order and a free $60 gift when you use that link so down below this video in the top line of the description yeah I think one would be wrong to think that we can explain everything on Purely on carbohydrates because if you look at the what people's hard the diets have changed in the United States but in almost all other countries what really changed was the increase in the polyunsaturated fats the consumption of polyunsaturated fats and and whereas the natural animal fats have gone have progressively decreased over the last 60 80 years and that we have to consider that that is just as important as the high carbohydrate diets but it's escaped attention and I don't know why that is there's been little money I guess to study insin resistant and the effects of the Omega-3s and omega-6 fatty acids on it so yeah I think that that's an area that's worth looking into I I know in my own diet I find it difficult to get lots of Omega-3s short of eating lots of of fish or that's it's kind of difficult and when you go and look at the supplements you worry that those Omega-3s are all theyve all fermented and they're not going to be good for you so I think that that's an area that's very worthwhile studying yeah no I I completely agree I mean I I do notice that my glucose control seems to be better when I'm on a low carb diet with high amounts of olive oil high amounts of macademia nut oil uh you know really focus on the monounsaturated fats that are a little more stable I tend to notice that I have much more control than if I say completely throw that all to the wind and you know go only lean meets or only go high saturated fat without the implementation of mono unsaturated so again that's all my own n of one right but but but no but you're not an any one you're more than that because you're the the canaran the cage going down the mind because you you obviously are so sensitive that your body responds very quickly in particular ways like the putting on weights and now you've noticed this I would take it very seriously I would I'd use you as a study I mean because if you want to you really only need one experiment in life that's the key that if you want to answer a question you got to get the right subject and do the right experiment and you are obviously a classic example of the type of person that that needs to be studied to see how do the monounsaturated fats affect you or the polyunsaturated fats and see what happens I would you're case study waiting to be done yeah well I'm I would volunteer myself because it's very uh it's it's intriguing I mean I've definitely noticed it's why I got passionate about what I do in the first place is because I've always taken an interest in in the interesting things that happen and I've always understood that I'm an outlier and understand that I've got kind of extreme examples but but with that you know I I notice very very strong differences if I'm having if I'm eating a lot of let's say almonds or high Omega 6 type nuts I notice a very significant difference in my ability to manage carbohydrates effectively within my body whereas if I'm switching that more towards a Mediterranean focused where I'm really doing a lot more in the way of olive oils and I'm doing a lot more um you know I I follow largely a Mediterranean low carb diet that's pretty much what I do because that is the only way that I can actually manage my glucose properly and the only way that I get proper cognitive function so it's while maintaining athletic performance can do do you have you tried coconut oil I'm just asking so interestingly enough I have and for the first four or five years of my weight loss I was living off of coconut oil you know that was a a very big piece for me and uh you know what I would find is that it actually did affect a number of things it affected uh my glucose a little bit negatively but not as much as say you know straight pinic acid like if I was going with a straight like uh even palm oil or going with another kind of saturated fat so it definitely had a different impact there um yeah it was definitely not the same as if I'm having olive oil or avocado or macadamia nut oil very interesting because I'm not gonna gonna try that on myself because I have a good response I respond well to coconut oil yeah I would get a lot of energy from it and I would definitely notice athletic performance improvements um so what I would notice is that and I I'll give this as a caveat you know direct like C8 MCT oil is like crack cocaine foring so I hyper respond to that so perhaps I don't respond as well to the lorc acid to the longer chains but I do respond really well to like the C8 C10 because I mean it's it's to the point where that was I would give that to myself during longer runs because it wouldn't once I adapted to it it wasn't affecting me digestively so I would bring little packets of MCT oil maybe again once again psychological right but you know 9 10 miles into a run just have a little bit of MCT oil and I'd perk right back up uh but I've always noticed that respond very well to that not as much with coconut oil interesting so I'll be looking into that a little bit more with with greater intent because I always you know you always I always look at the anecdotes or the paradoxes and and your metabolism tells me that you're the perfect person to study the role of polyunsaturated monounsaturated fats on glucose control yeah it's it's wild all the way down to uh complexion circles under my eyes uh quality of my skin it's really unreal but I tend to when I go low carb and I don't eat a lot of poly or mono unsaturated fats I I really do try to skew it towards the monos more you know I find myself eating probably too much in the way of saturated fat uh just because I default to that so there's there's things that I have to take into account as a result I'm eating more red meats I'm eating more saturated fat that way whereas when I'm more Mediterranean I'm eating more lean turkey lean fish lean chicken and adding my fats sort of quote unquote exogenously if you will they're coming in from you know seeds and they're coming in from from nuts and oils so perhaps there's that equation as well right uh yeah I mean I did also notice my you know again I've been on a low carb diet for I guess close to 12 years now you know my total cholesterol is about 170 you know it's like but when I was consuming when I was consuming coconut oil it was a little bit higher it was closer to you know was just a hair over 200 granted a lot can change in 12 years so I'm not saying that coconut oil was a problem or was bad but I definitely think my lipids look better now than they did five or six years ago one of the things you know before we you know kind of wrap this up I always like to give practical takeaways you know if someone is let's just say a moderately healthy person there maybe just a little bit overweight they're not completely metabolically dysfunctional they're not an extreme athlete but they listen to what we're talking about they're like saying okay well what are practical pragmatic things that I can do to get myself more fat adapted to get myself into this state what what are a few things that people can do just as takeaways yeah I think the first thing that people the first mistake people do M make is that they have a sugar addiction or a carb addiction and you have to address that and I'll guess that was your problem yes when you were when you put on lots of weight and that you addressed that that so maybe you can answer that question yes that was a a huge huge huge component I mean that was uh that was probably the biggest problem I wouldn't even say I was consuming a very high fat diet at that point in time I was uh you know it was heavy heavy sugar I was drinking you know eight or nine monster fully leted Monster energy drinks per day um yeah you know and it just turned into a vicious vicious cycle ultimately to a point where it was a really bad time of my life where I was you know I would I would drink eight or nine Monster Energy and then take benzo dians at night to calm myself down it was not a good not a good time of my life but uh so but yeah probably close to four 450 grams of carbs per day I mean pretty ridiculous yeah so I think that that's the first point you have to get the the Cravings under control that's all the people that we help we help them by getting rid of their cravings and they do that by eating the diet that you're prescribing either the Mediterranean diet or or more animal based animal saturated fat based diets people must eat real foods you mustn't eat Ultra processed foods and you can't be healthy with eating Ultra processed foods it doesn't matter how far you're running or how much you're swimming or how much you're cycling if you're eating Ultra processed foods as the main staple of your diet you're not going to be particularly healthy so my takeaway is that eat healthily and then your performance will be good but your long-term Health which is what the key is and I think that being in a healthy state will improve your performance much more than eating a specific so-called athletic diet I don't I don't see that there's an athletic dot there's a very healthy Dot and that's the dot one needs to eat that makes complete sense

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