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Day 0: Preparing for 60 Days of Keto

all right let's get this thing rolling hi my 
name's chip brewster you can call me chip and i   am going to attempt 60 days on the ketogenic diet 
before we get to the diet though i want you to get   to know me and some of the preparations i've taken 
so a little about me first i consider myself a   regular everyday guy i'm not really a fitness buff 
i honestly haven't worked out since march haven't   been to a gym since march in fact in october my 
full-time job turned a bit sedentary so not only   have i not been working out i haven't really been 
moving at all i ate fairly healthy but it's not   like i track what i eat you know we we buy fairly 
healthy and then i just pick and go from there i   will say this though we have a 16 month old and 
as of late i have been finishing pretty much every   single one for meals whether i was really hungry 
or not i just i hate wasting food and i'm pretty   sure that that in addition to the sedentary in 
addition to the stop working out has led to the   weight gain that i've experienced over the last 
few months i am at the heaviest i've ever been   and i i know what you're saying like well you're 
not that heavy and you're right but it's still   not something that i'm particularly happy about 
my biggest problem is that i can't self motivate   to to work out i was doing crossfit before covet 
came in and i was paying that to do that because   that was motivating me the the community the 
people the workouts i could make it happen i've   got gear at home i've got a wife who works out 
but i just cannot get my lazy butt off the couch   to break a sweat so if i can't get myself to move 
i wanted to try something in the eating department   and i have lots of friends and i've heard lots 
of stories who have done the ketogenic or keto   diet and so i figured why not let's give it 
a try so what is keto for those not familiar   with the diet a brief overview ketogenic diet is 
about getting your body into a metabolic state of   ketosis where instead of using glucose which is 
a sugar that your body creates from carbohydrates   instead you use ketones which your liver creates 
from accessing the fat stores in your body so   essentially it is a diet that turns your energy 
burning system from carbs to fat the whole premise   is low carb and there are a lot of low carb diets 
out there i'm sure you've heard of us some of them   the south beach diet the atkins diet eating paleo 
tends to be low carb the difference though between   a keto and one of those is this is the most 
restrictive carbohydrate diet it has a daily   calorie intake breakdown five percent comes from 
carbohydrates 25 from protein 70 of your calories   from fat so yeah fat is the focus of this thing 
for those that will be following along at home   are maybe interested in this diet the key here 
of course is the carbs and you count your carbs   you do something called net carbs where you take 
total carbohydrates and subtract fiber and certain   sugar alcohols because they aren't processed the 
same way as the other carbs and that's what gets   your body into that state of ketosis the real 
tricky part about this diet as if counting carbs   to that degree wasn't enough is it takes like 
four to five days to have your body actually get   into that state and if you eat too many carbs 
you leave that state so not only do i have to   be carb restricted for at least five days to get 
there i then have to maintain that i cannot break   that otherwise it's another five days of this just 
to get into this ketosis state so why keto versus   some of the other diets out there just watching 
what i eat honestly it's mostly just curiosity   i've heard about this diet as i mentioned i have 
friends and army buddies who have done it and   praise it family members who have done it and 
we with the covid thing and working at home have   really put ourselves into this situation where we 
can experiment like this all the food we're eating   is at home we're not going out to eat so it's a 
much easier thing to control exactly what i am   consuming because the only options i have are the 
ones that i am allowing myself to have so between   the lack of fitness the current environment that 
i'm living in and the whole goal of slimming down   the fatty midsection a little bit keto just seemed 
like the right move i'm not going to get into   research on the diet because that's not what this 
is all about and i am not a scientist like i said   i really feel like i'm an everyday guy but there 
is plenty out there for those that are curious   it's called google and you type in k-e-t-o and 
stuff is gonna pop up that said real quick some   pros and cons that i had read about prose it's a 
focused fat loss system it forces you to pay close   attention to what you eat you learn about what 
is in food so if you've never done a diet before   you're just getting an education out of trying to 
do this one and though restricted calories does   lead to weight loss fat and protein make you feel 
fuller longer and thus you may not even have to   count calories only the carbs some of the cons on 
the other hand there's this thing called the keto   flu it is what happens to you when your body 
goes through the transition from using glucose   for energy to ketones some of the side effects 
i've read about fuzzy brain headache fatigue   dizziness irritability most of which can be 
attributed to losing excess fluid i guess a   high carb diet causes us to retain water and so 
it's essentially becoming dehydrated and lacking   salts and minerals i also don't think that this 
is a long-term sustainable diet there are people   out there that will argue with me but just me 
personally i do look forward to eating carbs again   in about 60 days supposedly there may be some 
constipation as well i guess i'll find out when   i get there but i guess a lot of fiber is found in 
those carb heavy foods and so a decrease in fiber   may lead to constipation honestly i read 
the exact opposite somewhere else so   uh i'll keep you informed without too much detail 
i promise and then the possibility of a nutrient   deficiency when you limit your choices and you 
cut out fruits and a good number of vegetables   you just don't have as much opportunity to get 
the things that your body needs now this is my   day 0 prepping for the keto diet video so i want 
to talk through some of the things that i've done   getting ready to switch to this little to no carb 
diet first and foremost we went grocery shopping   and we got a ton of stuff the different snacks 
a lot of meats some of the things we'd even read   about like this keto ice cream and anything left 
in the house got put into the garage along those   lines i made a couple of printouts put them up on 
the fridge just some quick and easy references as   to the things i should focus on when i'm eating 
also downloaded an app that i've read about a   whole bunch and when i made a facebook live about 
going keto this app got brought up a whole ton too   and just from perusing through and doing a couple 
of test entries i feel like this thing is going   to save me if my whole goal is counting carbs 
this little baby's doing it for me and then i   also made a spreadsheet because i am doing a daily 
video and it's really a big experiment for myself   i wanted to track as much data as i could so i'm 
going to update this thing every day you're going   to see that as a part of the videos and then we'll 
get this cool little synopsis at the end of how it   all went down speaking of those daily videos let 
me give you a little run down what you can expect   first we begin with those body measurements i've 
got a scale that claims to tell me my body fat   percentage my water percentage my muscle weight 
and of course my overall weight i don't know how   scientifically accurate the thing is but i do know 
it's measuring something and so we're gonna find   out if those somethings are decreasing increasing 
not changing what have you as this diet goes along   i'll also be giving you video and breakdown 
of every single thing that i eat i'm talking   about the macros in the meals and the snacks 
the calories even the cost that i'm tracking   and then on top of all of that how i'm feeling 
each day a little morning feel a little recap of   the evening and then once a week a weekly synopsis 
on top of the daily videos i'm going to be doing   some extra measurements and photos if all goes to 
plan i'm gonna have some really cool stuff to show   you at the very end of all this and i'm hoping it 
involves a skinnier chip couple of final things   for you to end this preparation video i want 
everyone to know that nothing is sponsored in this   video series i'm making these really for myself 
not only to document the journey but also because   i love video production it has been my career for 
the last decade and so this is fun for me so when   you see things mentioned like the carb manager app 
or me eating certain types of foods or products   those are my genuine choices there are links in 
the descriptions of videos that go to like an   amazon affiliate store that if you click through 
and buy something i'll get a little financial   benefit but i'm not here to push those i'm just 
including them because if this video takes off and   i can make ten dollars i'll take the ten dollars 
and finally i am on other social media platforms   so if you look for chip brewster on facebook or 
instagram you'll find me there and then of course   the typical youtube pitch like comment subscribe 
share all that stuff it's whatever youtuber i've   ever seen says at the end of their video and 
who knows maybe this video series will do more   than just entertain me for a little bit maybe 
it'll give someone some genuine information that   they've been looking for i wish this regular 
guy some luck let's get this diet started

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