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Bryan Johnson’s Most Important Rule to Reverse Aging

okay so outside of uh peptides clearly that made a difference I'm not sure what your protocol going forward is going to be with that but anything else that you've pivoted on I I don't think I would have believed somebody that would have told me about sleep being as important as it's become to me yeah I think I would have said like yeah yeah I hear you sleep's important but it's now the primary activity of my life it is it is the most important thing I do every single day like nothing is more important to me than sleep do you literally look forward to sleep I can't wait yeah yeah especially because like uh I know when I was building my previous company brain VMO it was like it was grinding like you had to show up and so long as you could make like reasonably good decisions you know like it's okay like you know the decisions are not that complicated right you're look deing think a like a known set of problems but now I spend the majority of my time thinking about the future of intelligent existence and there's no way when you're trying to think about those topics that you can be sleep deprived it just sleep deoration annihilates your ability to just see past fog and so I I think if the advice I would have been I wish I would have gotten is if you want to play intellectual games at the highest level or want to try to play those games sleep is an absolute necessity if you're uh like okay just like hammering away on really basic problems in life you sleep to priv yourself and play that game if you want but you're just never going to punch pass yourself on your ability to think yeah well and you're looking at it from a perspective of 99% of people are probably playing in that sandbox and if you can get yourself to that 1% not only are you going to be making decisions that are probably more impactful and candidly it'll probably win at life a little bit better too you know you're you're thinking clear you're able to make decisions that maybe the rest of people can't and that it's all a competition but in the grand scheme of things if you're able to think outside the box and look at things differently and I don't think people ever really experience what optimal sleep really feels like ex I mean you know when you're a kid and you go to bed and you lay your head down and then you wake up in the morning and it was like someone just switched to switch with time and it's like when you're an adult that's just feels like that's gone right it's like you're like wow remember and you could be excited or amped you could get in an argument with your sister you're kid sibling and lay your head down and still have no problem going to sleep you could compartmentalize and whatever it's like what happens along the way you know yeah so I'm there now so I I'm back to my kid State status where I lay down and I can just be out all night and wake up in the morning like great amazing so it doesn't happen every night but pretty close to every night what do you uh and I'm very curious I for myself cuz I ever since my son was born 6 and a half years ago uh he was a really colicky baby so he was uh up six seven times throughout the night for like the first eight months of his life and it started yeah it kickstarted something I used to I was like that until Tommy was born like I was I could lay my head down I might wake up to pee once and usually I'd wake up usually about 7 hours later having to pee really bad and that was the time to get up yeah uh and then it was after after my son it it like it kick started a new routine in my brain where even now here he is it's like my body still wakes up a lot and it never broke out of that so it's been a I shouldn't say never like I've done a lot of things and put a lot of things in place but what does your actual sleep routine look like what it is and what does your room look like do you do any white noise I'm assuming it's black out but what do you what does that look like yeah I had the same experience so my first two babies were KY okay and so I I understand if maybe our shared experience is when you lay your head down you've got half your brain listening and then half the brain's trying to sleep and you can never sleep yeah because you're always then you hear the cry and it's always like do I get up to like address the cry or do I play it tough and like they can cry it out and with a ky baby you're just not quite sure what that line is like do you soothe or do you like push through and let them do it at least as new parents you're just confused generally yeah and so I feel like that too had the same effect on me it just wrecked me and then my own behavior where I had overeat at 7:00 p.m.

Because I was I was so stressed out from my startup and a challenging relationship with my partner and like all of life dresses then you put all those things together and sleep becomes an absolute nightmare like you you dread it so badly because you know it's just going to be absolute a cluster yep all night long yep and so yeah it's taking me several years to dig out of that and I agree with you it's like something like breaks and or changes and or like something happens inter internally and it's very hard to switch back and it took me a long time like it took me 2 years to perect my sleep and I had to go through all the iterations of like can I eat this can I eat that do I eat this time or that time can I have like this kind of stress can I be in this kind of environment I've just like slowly Serpentine my way to say like this formula now works so like the things you're talking about blacked out room you know uh I have a temperature controlled mattress sleep eight sleep but the thing like really it comes back to if my resting heart rate is 47 I'm good so it's just like it's boiled down to that one marker now like clearly I can be like stressed out that's a variable that's going to play but generally speaking if I if I hit that um then I'm going to be good so my entire life routine is around that number after today's video I put a link down below for Thrive Market that is a 30% off discount link plus a free gift so 30% off your entire grocery order the thing I like about Thrive Market is they're trying to help get Gnarly processed foods out of people's fridge and out of people's pantries so these are healthier for you options better for for you options and the prices are highly highly competitive so a lot of times you're going to find prices cheaper than the grocery store and it's delivered directly to your doorstep so when it comes to like recalibrating your pantry Thrive Market really really is solid it's very helpful to be able to have all your grocery shopping at your fingertips so you're not stressed about finding the right things you can search you can do a quick search for gluten-free you can do a search for Paleo you can do a search for sugar-free for keto for this for that all at your fingertips and then it's delivered directly to your doorstep but let's be real we're all pinching some pennies so the best thing about it is that 30% off discount link off your entire grocery order using that link down below I use my Thrive box consistently I'm always changing up stuff I'm always getting a Thrive order coming in a couple times per month and it helps save me a bunch of money but it also gets me some really cool stuff that I otherwise wouldn't find at the grocery store so check them out in the top line of the description underneath this video it's a good a good objective marker and my similar my heart rate resing heart rate is very similar so it's a good almost like I can kind of aim for something like that it's it can be frustrating because you find okay this worked and then two nights later it doesn't work right so you're like okay it wasn't that per se but definitely for me I mean simply there is such a big difference between eating 2 hours before bed and 3 hours before bed too something about like for those just are just trying to say okay I'm still going to have dinner with the family you I'm not going to early time restrict feed the difference between if I go to bed at 9:00 stopping at 6 versus stopping stoping at s and I mean stopping stopping like some people be like last big meal maybe they'll Munch no I mean it is like a hard line last if the hard line is at six compared to seven there's no denying that the change is drastic so there is something kind of magical about that three-hour number yeah yeah if you're basically if you're playing for like 75% sleep it doesn't the things you and I talk about they don't matter but to Edge out that remaining 25% of Sleep Quality like these small details they they swing it 25% and it feels like 100% to us because we're so sensitive yeah for sure well you also and you value it I think the more that you start to you know put stock in the fact that sleep is so important to you you're probably going to squeeze more out of good sleep too because you've realized I've got so much I mean you've understanding the value of it but you've also have emotional stock in it so you're like okay yeah yeah this is going to work and once you experience that extra 25% of sleep efficiency you don't want to go back I don't want to go back to that I I tell my teammates if I have a bad night's sleep again we we're dealing with a complicated thing the following day I'll raise my hand and say I don't think I can make this decision today like I'm not in the right state of mind my emotions are not like if it's something important that needs to be decided like sure but I think it's important to to identify that you know not getting ideal sleep leads to the same thing as alcohol intoxication you're you're inated like you're legitimately challenged mentally and so I definitely feel that way and I don't want to make important life decisions when I'm in these bad emotional states and you know that the eight sleep has been glad that you mentioned that and you know they're this isn't a paid plug for them or anything but I've noticed one of the biggest disturbances I have with sleep is I've been with my wife for 20 years but it is my wife in the bed with me right so we effectively had and I talked about this before we've had a sleep divorce where our relationship is better if I go sleep in another room and yes we may hang out in bed we may have sex we may do our thing right but then I'm going to say I love you honey and go into another room and sleep because do you do that yeah not every single night but I'd say you know it depends we we live a couple different places so the place that we're in right now is small but when we're at another home where there's a guest bedroom then I go sleep in the guest bedroom and fun fact gospel truth I slept in a hotel last night because we have uh an old dog at the moment that we rescued and he's been just he's got dementia so he'll bark at the wall randomly so he and he's cute old guy he's 18 years old but I'm like Amber like you sleep through it I don't I wake up and then I'm dead in the water so I'm going to go get a hotel tonight but then although I slept better than I prob would have at home being in a new environment does something different too it's like you're it's like I wake up and check my surroundings and I'm like I'm not home like where am I so the Sleep Quality isn't amazing and the duvet is never thick enough it always feels like such a light sheet and yeah do you use weighted blanket or anything uh I have a duvet so I I did and I loved it mhm but then I stopped because then when I traveled the difference between the weighted blanket and the what the hotel offered was so dramatic that I would just be a terrible sleeper in the hotel yeah so I actually prefer a weighted blanket but I just feel it's I can't travel with it it's too much yeah you're hit oversize real quick what is your uh room temperature when you sleep uh so I don't include any temperature control in the house okay so it's all seasonal and so yeah just depends on the season but my bed in the winter is at 73 for Ram and 71 for deep something like that okay and then in the summer it's a bit I think it's 67 for Ram and 65 for deep something like that

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