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4 Tips To Get Into Ketosis Fast & Burn Fat with Intermittent Fasting & Low-Carb

This episode is going to review my top 
tips to get into ketosis and burn fat fast.   For those who aren't familiar with ketosis, I'll 
be doing a quick review about what ketosis is,   how to test to see if you're in ketosis, 
the benefits of ketosis for fat loss,   and as promised what you can tweak in your 
lifestyle to get into ketosis fast. If you're   looking for science backed information about a 
sustainable weight loss habit, change in mindset,   be sure to subscribe to this channel and turn the 
bell on to get notified each week. When I post   a new video, I'm Dr. Morgan, Nolte a founder 
of the Weight Loss for Health online program   and the Reshape Your Health podcast. Each week. 
I bring you new content to give you the tools and   inspiration.

You need to weigh less and live more. 
Let's get started with a quick review of ketosis.  Ketosis is actually a metabolic state in 
the body that occurs when your body runs   out of carbohydrates for energy, which is its 
preferred form of fast energy and has to switch   to burning your stored fat for fuel ketones are a 
by-product of this fat metabolism. These ketones   can be detected either in blood breath or urine. 
I recommend the keto mojo device because it's far   more affordable than the breath reader. It's an 
accurate device, and it comes with a blood ketone   and blood glucose strips. Both of which provide 
a valuable information for your health. I will   link to that device in the description below this 
video. I recently did this video that talks about   how to use this Keto Mojo device to test for 
blood glucose and blood ketones.

That will also   be linked in the description below this video 
for you to check out next let's pivot and talk   about the many benefits of getting into ketosis.
Now for the record, I recommend cycling in and out   of ketosis, staying in ketosis all the time, in 
my personal opinion, what are required too strict   of a lifestyle. And that's just not my jam. I 
like a little more flexibility and moderation.   The primary benefit of getting into ketosis 
in my opinion, is that it signifies you're   burning fat for fuel. What should line up with 
lower blood glucose and blood insulin levels?   It helps reverse a condition called insulin 
resistance. Research has shown that insulin   resistance and inflammation are at the heart of 
many chronic conditions, including obesity type   two diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, and 

Another benefit is mental clarity and focus.   It's true. When you first switch over to 
a low carb intermittent fasting lifestyle,   you may experience temporary symptoms of the 
keto flu like irritability, sugar, cravings,   headache, and fatigue, but your body will 
become more metabolically, flexible and able   to efficiently switch from burning carbs to 
fat for fuel and a couple of days to weeks.  And you'll feel so much better than you 
did before you made this lifestyle change.   A third benefit of being in ketosis is appetite 
suppression. The mechanism of this appetite   suppression is not fully understood, but it's 
a very important point.

Traditional calorie   restricted diets will cause an increase in your 
hunger, hormone, ghrelin, and a reduction in your   satiety, hormone leptin. So getting into ketosis 
is a great way to avoid this hormonal trigger that   so often happens with weight loss and contributes 
to weight regain to put it simply you cannot just   eat less and expect to lose weight, keep it 
off and feel good doing it. If you want to make   weight loss a whole lot easier on yourself, then 
you'll need to change the quality of your food.   Not just the quantity for more information about 
what types of food I recommend for fat loss.  Be sure to download my ultimate food guide. That's 
linked below this video. Now, if those benefits   reduced insulin resistance, increased mental 
clarity and focus and reduced appetite sound   amazing. I want you to type a yes in the 
comments so that I know you're with me.   We're going to wrap this episode up with a 
discussion about how you can get into ketosis   fast.

There are two things I recommend to get into 
ketosis fast, but more importantly, I want you to   recognize that it's okay and usually better. If 
we actually ease into ketosis, like you're dipping   your toe in the water, then slowly get into the 
pool versus jumping into the deep end. The reason   for this is that I don't want you to just get 
into ketosis once. Hate it and be too discouraged   to ever try it again.

I want you to be able to 
slowly and surely change your lifestyle for good.  So keep that in mind and recognize 
that this is a lifetime journey,   not a sprint. The first thing I recommend 
you do is start using intermittent fasting.   Intermittent fasting allows your body to use up 
what available carbohydrates. There are for energy   because when you don't eat anything, your body 
has no other choice. There are other anti-aging   and disease fighting benefits of intermittent 
fasting too, which is why I'm such a big fan.   The first thing you do when you start intermittent 
fasting is assess your current feeding and fasting   window.

Are you fasting for at least 12 hours 
a day, say 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. If you're not,   why are you emotionally or habitually eating at 
night after dinner? Even when you know you're   not hungry, that's where you would start 
tackling that habitual late night snacking   to increase your fasting window to at 
least 12 hours. Once you've mastered that   I want you to gradually increase your fasting 
window to 16 hours, give yourself a week or two   to gradually increase your fasting window.
Now remember intermittent fasting is   not about eating less. It's about eating 
less often. So be sure that you're properly   fueling your body during your feeding window 
with enough healthy fat fiber and protein.   My next tip for you is to reduce your net.

intake, net carbs are simply the total carbs minus   the fiber. I like using the card manager app on 
my phone or desktop to track my macros five days   a week. And that's what I recommend to my clients 
and members as well. Not only does this serve as   an accountability tool, but it's very educational 
to see what macronutrients are in your food.   If you don't already follow me on 
Instagram to check out my stories,   because I regularly post my macros for the day 
to get you inspired, to track your own food   regarding how low to go with your carbs. This 
is again a place where I'd ease into things.  You can do the preset keto function in 
the carb manager app and have around   30 grams of net carbs per day. But you're 
probably going to hate how you're eating,   especially if you're used to a higher carb diet. 
Yes, the keto diet will get you into ketosis fast,   and it can be a great tool occasionally 
to break through a weight loss plateau   or serve as a reset.

But I find that most of my 
members feel better around 50 to a hundred grams   of net carbs per day. Here's a really 
important point if you're not sleeping well,   you will have a very hard time getting into 
ketosis. Sleep deprivation is a form of   stress on your body. Stress increases the hormone 
cortisol, which increases blood sugars. When your   blood sugar is high, your body won't need to get 
into ketosis. So it won't same goes for stress.  Focusing on your sleep quality or stress is 
going to be a critical part of your weight,   loss and maintenance. Let's recap.

recommendations to get into ketosis.   Number one, start using intermittent fasting 
and build up to a 16 hour daily fast.   Number two, reduce your net carbs and start 
tracking your macronutrients on carb manager.   Number three, sleep better and reduce your 
stress for lower cortisol and blood sugar levels.   If you want to dive deeper into how to lower 
your insulin and inflammation, definitely check   out my free masterclass that teaches you just 
that you can download that today for free at If you 
liked this video and want to learn more about   nutritional ketosis, be sure to like it, share 
it and leave a comment. So I know what kind of   content you find most helpful. Thanks so much 
for watching and I'll see you in the next video..

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