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30 Day Keto Diet Review And Weight Loss Before & After!

Can a diet that's mostly fat actually
help you lose fat? You're gonna find out. This month we're gonna try a 30 day
challenge on the ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is a way of eating where 70 – 80% of your calories come from a healthy fat source and only 5 – 10% of your calories come from carbohydrates and 20 – 25% come from a protein source so when you look at the balance of your food you're gonna be
eating a lot more fat the benefits this has is it helps our body switch from
glucose metabolism so our bodies are naturally using glucose as energy to fat
based metabolism so our bodies are actually taking fat breaking it down
into ketones and using that for energy I'm a little nervous to do low carb, guys.
Low carb has always sounded like a really dirty word to me that I did not want to
partake in but I'm interested to try it I'm nervous that I'm going to be I'm
gonna be a little hangry.

As a registered dietitian I think the ketogenic diet is extreme and it's hard to follow but there's a lot of good research that
shows wonderful health benefits The other concern too is how it's gonna
impact my digestion I'd like to see some weight loss and I feel like I'm trying different diets always to see you know what works I'm excited to see if I can actually go through with the 30 days I think it's always nice to incorporate
challenges Alright, 30 day…

Keto challenge… begins now! Eggs, bacon, my eggs were cooked in the bacon fat and butter and then a side of
avocado Aright, so we're starting the keto diet today and I just wanted to
measure my ketone levels in my urine so we have these little test strips you
measure it up against this to see this means you're not in ketosis this means
you're actually in ketosis and they're detecting levels of ketones in your
urine… mine currently is nothing so that makes sense I haven't started it yet so
we'll see how this changes over the next couple days I'll keep you guys posted Okay, keto week 1 is over and what a weird diet is all I can say because I feel
like I am eating the greasiest most indulgent meals but I think I'm losing
weight actually I lost a lot of water weight in the first week and it really
surprised me because I've been eating fat, fat, fat everywhere I don't know I
don't mind tracking I think for some people it could be a pain so I've been
trying to stay below 20 net carbs a day you can see me doing some math because
to figure out how many net carbs something has you look at the amount of
carbohydrates and then you subtract the amount of fiber so that gives you your
net carbs if it sounds complicated I'm just plugging things into an app and
letting it do the work for me so yeah the tracking for me has been
just kind of an interesting experiment and getting to learn more about the food
that I'm eating…

Something that is interesting about the keto diet is that
you can in fact drink on it I do think that is a nice trade-off is yes you have
really low carb intake but you can still drink hard alcohol, no beer or wine, it is
nice to be able to go out and still have a drink with your friends if that's a
thing that you like to do on weekends I have not been very keto strict there's
been carbs, there's carbs everyday and sugar… not gonna lie I don't know, keto is not for me Here's what it is… I don't eat dairy and I hardly meat so it's really hard for me
to get to that ketosis state based on my current diet, all the fat's a little much
for me, I'm having two spoons of coconut oil just to hit my fat content Here's the positive thing about keto It's taught me to label read,
it's really interesting to see like the carbs and net carbs fiber I've never
really paid attention so that's been it's been good to actually look fully at the nutritional benefits of the few packaged items that I eat So I've really approached it in can I create a good macronutrient balance when I'm eating so
do I have protein do I have vegetables do I have a good
source of fat and I've been trying to make the fat that I eat a little bit
higher amount than I normally do my energy levels which I was really curious
to see how they would be impacted, those have been pretty consistent…

One week
down, three more weeks to go who knows how this is gonna go? One thing that is blowing my mind about
keto is how much more money I'm spending on groceries I used to spend $65 a week
at Trader Joe's I just did a run today and it was $95 so I think that's because
usually I stock up on a lot of sweet potatoes, more veggies and now I'm really
having to have an animal protein with every meal and that really adds up Just finished my run and the real thing I wanted to test with this keto diet for
the month was I was really curious to see how it was gonna impact my endurance
sometimes when I fatigue during a run even if it's three miles my legs start
to feel really heavy but that never happened…

And look at that! We're doing it Sorry if this is gross… What I have noticed that's
been pretty interesting about being on this ketogenic diet is my energy levels
and my desire to eat so while I do think about food pretty frequently throughout
the day I don't have this really intense hunger that I used to have on my prior

The best thing that I've had on this diet is Vanessa made lemon bars and
those were insane Vanessa's lemon bars were delicious they're so good I don't
know what she put in them I do like the keto dessert options that I've made so I like those lemon bars that I made those are really good Mood wise I don't feel I don't feel bad cause I don't think I'm I
don't think I'm fully like going into keto or ketosis I've had a lot of more
meat so my digestion to be honest is not on point I will say this though I'm not
terribly hungry come dinner time right now I feel really good, I feel consistent
I feel like I'm getting the best sleep ever yeah I sleep really hard and I
don't want to get up in the morning which is unusual for me One thing I am doing is taking HUM's Ripped Rooster supplement which has 7-Keto and the
supplement is kind of designed to just help your body process fat more
efficiently so it's kind of just like a helpful boost in your keto journey I've been really fixated on sugar and I was dreaming about M&Ms last night and
today Sarah, what you got there? Wait a minute! What the…!? I'm feeling good mainly because I'm not a hundred percent doing keto as correctly as I should but
I still haven't had any grains for the whole month of July which i think is
quite impressive for me The one thing that I am worried about as far as my gut goes is just the idea that with so much fat we're gonna tip off the diversity
and I'm really gonna start to grow out these bacteria that are eating fat
primarily and that are starting to eat bile acids and things like that so in
the back of my mind I'm just thinking like oh god my microbiome is gonna be
shifted and potentially negatively impacted by this diet…

No!!!! I'm eating raspberries and I can't be on
a diet that makes me not eat raspberries nature's candy Day 30! Still got it… So here's all the pizza that everyone else ate Here was my salad… last week of keto! Keto's finally over, thank god. What I
learned from keto is that it's really hard to eliminate an entire food group
such as grains and legumes but I did learn how many carbs are in things that
I never would have thought of that being fruits and my coconut water and pretty
much everything that we eat so not that I'm gonna continue to count carbs but
I'm definitely more aware… I personally don't think I would ever try keto again
just because I found it so challenging because I don't eat meat I was eating so
much more meat this month than I normally do So in the last 30 days I
lost 5 pounds which is not bad considering I was eating butter, bacon,
coconut oil, lots of fatty things every day and I was still able to go out and
drink with my friends on the weekends so yeah it's weird to have lost five pounds
considering all of that was still allowed I feel like I will take away
from this that I can live without eating as much bread and should enjoy more
healthy fats My overall take on keto is I liked the way it impacted my energy so
a lot of times when I get hungry I get very irritable I get cranky maybe even
mean and that didn't happen it was just a very even energy and then I was when I
was hungry I was hungry and I ate something that was high in fat but I
don't think it's something that's sustainable or realistic for the long
term the keto diet is something that I would recommend but in small periods of
time I don't think it's something that most people should go on for an extended
period of time I think if you have certain genetic variations it can
actually be a detriment to you to do a keto diet especially if your body's not
able to process and convert saturated fats in an efficient way but I do
totally support eating higher amounts of fats, lower amounts of processed
carbohydrates and just being aware of your macronutrient balance making it a
little bit more fat and vegetable heavy versus carbohydrate heavy – that's the end
of the 30-day keto challenge, if you like this video go ahead give it a thumbs up,
give a comment below and let us know what you thought and hopefully
we'll see you again on the next thirty day challenge!

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