all you would need is about a half a cup of this stuff like we're not talking a huge amount now what's interesting about it is the literature is suggesting that this can improve gut permeability in a very interesting way now gut permeability is not something we typically want to increase right because if that happens you have larger particles of food that are getting into the bloodstream and that is well it's commonly known as a leaky gut which is so cheesy because it's so overmarking and hyped but it is a real thing it is a very real thing so you don't want high levels of intestinal permeability you want selectively high levels of permeability so that nutrients can get in when they need to get in so we're going to break down some newer literature on these two types of fruit that have this impact so let's go ahead and break it out after today's video I popped a link down below for create now create is a creatine gummy the literature surrounding creatine is unreal and it's coming out in droves and this is the creatine that I use because personally I like to space out when I take creatine I don't like to take five grams at once because I feel like I retain more water I like to take one gr little gummies maybe two at a time throughout the course of the day and when you look at the scientific literature it's very strong right now that's why so many people are talking about creatine I had Dr Darren kandal on my channel who's one of the leading creatine researchers and we really went into detail so the cool thing is that link down below is going to save you 15% off of these TR create gummies the whole idea aide behind this company is to stop the stigma behind creatine and to make people understand that everyone can take this women teenagers like it's perfectly safe and there are lots of randomized control trials and this just makes it easy and convenient where TSA isn't completely destroying your bags looking for mysterious white powders when you travel with creatine makes it convenient makes it super easy to dose appropriately so you get all the benefits without a lot of the drawbacks so that link is down below in the description so you'd want to combine these particular fruits typically with meat I'll explain why and before you like click off the video as soon as you hear them out I'm going to give you kind of the amounts you need to consume because it might vary from fruit to fruit all right so I'm talking about papaya and pineapple specifically the reason you'd want to consume them with Meats is something that you probably already know because it's like totally 1990s literature but I'm going to talk about the newer stuff in a second they have what are called proteases in them Broman and papine so you remember those old like papaya enzymes like they were these really tasty little like I don't know kind of sugary little enzymes that have aay enzymes to help you digest well broman's the same way Broman and papine from papaya and pineapple they help break down proteins so they help you absorb and utilize those proteins that's tremendous we definitely want that but I'm focused more on the gut health side not the digestion side so yes taking them with protein is certainly going to help the potential digestion but we want to focus on getting more into the actual bloodstream but we we also want to focus on restoring our gut so there was an interesting study published in the journal metabolites what they did is they took a look at mice and human cells looked at actual mice and then human cells to kind compare and contrast the data they gave mice just a small amount they gave them like one milligram of either papane or Broman okay and then they cultured human cells along with this as well to kind of see what would happen it did two things they increased the levels of acromania musina which is a specific bacteria that's associated ated with mucus production that's interesting but we can't take that to the bank but then there was a literal increase in the thickness of the mucosal layer everyone focuses on the microbiome I want a diverse microbiome I want this I want that do you really know what you want with your microbiome do you really want do you really know what those little like bacteria want in there they're just freeloaders that they help us but they're come on they don't give two craps about what you need they just live their life your actual cells in your body have a vested interest in keeping you alive so let's focus on how we protect those suckers first the mucosal layer protects the epithelial cells so the thicker the mucosal layer the thicker the barrier we have before those cells can get damaged from inflammation from Bad diet from stress you name it so the fact that we saw an increase in the mucosal layer is huge but there was an even crazier thing that happened as I mentioned in the beginning of this video it increased intestinal permeability which normally I would be like shoot go go away we don't want that increasing intestinal permeability usually means that you're increasing like how many bad things can cross through that barrier but in this case it only increased the permeability to low molecular weight markers which means that it was increasing the permeability for small already digested compounds that should be able to get through so it increased potential nutrient absorption while still blocking the big compounds that we didn't want to get in so with that we improve potentially nutrient absorption while still maintaining that thick mucosal layer that protects us from the bad things now the reason you want to take it with meat is it's an ideal time it just makes a lot of sense to also get the protease effect the protein digesting like the enzyme effect there you could certainly have the benefit of having pineapple and papaya but there's a serious downside you need to pay attention to this papaya and pineapple are high gly iic fruits okay they're not the kind of fruit that you those tropical fruits are not the kind you want to just say hey I'm going to just go eat this willy-nilly for fun I mean you can certainly but it's a blood sugar Skyrocket and if you're watching that you're concerned with that you want to consume with protein okay if you eat your protein first and then immediately eat the pineapple you can get those benefits that you're that we're talking about here but you can also blunt the glycemic effect okay so you're not going to get that huge spike in glucose so don't just be like hey I'm going to go eat some acid IC pineapple because the acid in the pineapple might also trigger some acid reflux for you it might cause some digestive discomfort if you're concerned with getting like discomfort or indigestion or acidic foods bother you I would opt for the papaya it's a little more gentle now what about quantities the literature suggests that when it comes down to like the papine and brolene you don't even need that much you could get by with about 3/4 of a cup or so of pineapple and a half a cup of papaya so papaya is going to have more bang for the buck but it's going to be a little harder and more expensive to come by so you kind of have to balance that out another thing you may want to consider this is just a fun fact is consider occasionally eating unripe fruit not necessarily unripe pineapple or unripe papaya per se just an extra little side note and when I say unripe I mean like 70 to 80% ripened not like full on Raw unripe right like 3/4 of the way there the tannins that are in unripe fruit can actually stress the gut just enough to increase the expression of the tight Junction proteins so the gut says oh wait this is a little hard to digest we're going to actually increase protection it's like a hormetic stressor it's like sending your gut to the gym you go to the gym to stress ourselves get a little bit stronger and then we develop when we adapt same kind of thing happens with your gut at least that's what the literature is starting to suggest but we don't know for sure so a little pineapple a little papaya occasionally dabbling with like maybe an unripe banana like a mildly green banana trust me your gut will thank you I'll see you tomorrow